Avatar the Last Airbender(ATLA): The Jade Dragon

Chapter 2: Ch2:Escape

[Po POV]

Po: I spoke in a low voice to myself, "Ok. Maximum effort!"

Fireguard 1 and 2: "What?"

*Bones Cracking* I opened and closed my fists, it seems I haven't moved much in the last 2 years, but that's to be expected. I did the same with my neck, then I took a deep breathe in and I let it out.

Po: "Hah." Steam can be seen coming out from my face mask.

Fireguard 1: He leaned and whispered to the guard next to him, "I-Is he... what is he doing?"

Fireguard 2: She responded, "I think he's just stretching?"

Fireguard 1: "He's been motionless for weeks now. I'm gonna inform the warden." He was going to get out but stopped in his tracks from what I did next.

I was on my knees and both arms chained, spreading my arms apart. I shuffled around and I put one foot forward, slamming it down the floor.

*Grooowl* The female guard just froze with a shocked expression and the other stopped moving and slowly turned his head back to look at me and I stared right back.

Po: I pulled on the chains and thought to myself, 'Hmm, these chains could be useful.' *Hnn... err.**Low growl*

Po: "Haa!" I pulled on the chain hard and it broke out of the stone wall giving me the full length of the chain. I was so excited I let out a roar.


Fireguard 1: "The Jade Dragon is FREE!!!! I must warn the warden!!!"

He quickly turned around but I launched the chain to him and it wrapped around his body. I pulled him back making him slam into the wall behind me and knocking him out. I then pulled the chain back and it swiftly wrapped itself around my forearm.

Po: "Doh me eh suh a ruf (Don't be in such a rush). Haa!" I then pulled on the other chain and pulled it off the wall and wrapped it around my arm. I shook both arms in satisfaction.

Fireguard 2: "D-don't move!"

I turned to look at her, she had her spear pointed towards me but was across the room, next to the door. My only exit.

Po: I ignored her warning and just spoke casually to her. "Whuf oar em?"

Fireguard 2: "What?"

Po: "Whu-" I stopped and broke the face mask off. Should've done that before talking. "Ahh, that's better. I said, What's your name?"

Fireguard 2: "Why do you want to know?" She looked at me skeptically. 

Po: "So I can thank you." I was being genuine, she was never mean to me and properly fed me since I wasn't allowed to do it myself. The Fire Nation knows how dangerous I can be but she's been a kind guard. It could have been out of fear but I don't think that's the case.

Fireguard 2: She was taken aback but regained her composure and replied, "My name is Ming."

The name sounded familiar to me but I couldn't remember why. If she was in the show then she was probably only shown for a scene or two. It's not important right now though so I put the idea in the back of my mind.

Po: "Ming. I would like to thank you for showing hospitality even though I was a prisoner." I bowed to her to show her I was serious.

Ming: "U-uh, your welcome? If you don't mind can you just stay here while I-" 

Po: "Nope*." I said with a pop at the p. "Sorry, Ming, but it's about time for me to move on." I launched my chains and pulled her weapon away from her and with the other chain I was able to restrain her hands. "I gotta go to the Fire Nation Colonies in the Earth Kingdom. There's some business I need to attend there."

I was lying, I'm young so they'll assume I'm not smart enough to mislead them. I'm heading to the Southern Air Temple but I'm on the other side of the Fire Nation right now. I need to pass through it since going around it will be too long. I have a year but it would be better if I get there as soon as possible. I used to cause a ruckus in the FN Colonies before I was captured the first time so they'll most likely believe me when I say I'm going there. It should throw off there trail and hopefully it'll be enough to give them the slip.

Ming tried to pull me with the chains but I pulled back making her stumble and fall to the ground. I walked up to her and I crouched next to her.

Po: "I'm sorry Ming. I won't hurt you but I'm gonna have to knock you out now." Before she could reply I used the chi blocking skills to immobilize her and then I put her a sleeper hold, Batman style.

I gently put her down and turned to the door and left using guard 1's keys. I remember being led down to this basement. I'm like 5 floors down and there's supposed to be 5 more guards at the top guarding the floor door. There's no point in being sneaky, once the warden thinks I can't be stopped he'll cut the lines to the gondola. Not that I need it though. I'm probably one the strongest fire benders in the world right now even though I can't use my arms anymore (you'll find out soon enough why). I can't use my hands but I can still breathe out fire and use my feet too. I practiced using my feet to fly with fire bending and that's what I'll do to get out of here. There should be some boats for me to "commandeer". 

While walking up the stairs I was thinking about what I needed to do. There should be a chest that has my clothes and my mother's pendant. There's no way I'm leaving without it and if the hotheads don't have it... well, it's not going to be pleasant for them. While I'm looking around I'll also need a map. I remember the direction I came from when I was captured the second time in the Fire Nation but it's better to be safe. If they have a map of the world, then even better. 

I'm coming close to the top, I can hear the guards talking. So I decided to get their attention.

*Low Grooowl*


Po: I spoke to myself, "Yea, that's the reaction I wanted."

I arrived at the top and right as I got up, across the hall, I could see one of them about to blow a horn to warn the guards. I smiled at them and he blew the horn.

*Deep Hooonnk*

It bothered my ears a bit but I ignored it. I don't have cat ears but my senses are probably double of a regular person now. I'm gonna need to continue my training when I get the Air Temple.

The guards got ready to attack and I, myself, got into a ready stance.

Po: "I don't suppose you guys want to talk this out over a cup of tea?" I smirked.

Fireguard 3: "Fire!"

The 2 guards in front blasted fire towards me but the second it covered their view I ran forward to meet the flame. I slid underneath the fire blast, the heat is intense but I've built a resistance to it.

All the guards were caught off guard.

I slid between the 2 soldiers who shot the fire and I did a break dance move to trip them both. When they fell I quickly jumped up to avoid one of the soldiers spears. I drop kicked another guard and the other 2 who haven't fallen rushed me with their spears. I whirled around their spears and I landed a high kick to one guard, knocking him out instantly. The 5th guard tried to punch me but parried the fist and flipped him over my shoulder, judo style. 

Po: "That's 2 down." I looked at the other 3 guards and they were getting back up. 

I quickly rushed one, grabbed his head, and slammed his face to the wall.

Po: "3 down." The guards slumped down as let go of his head.

The last 2 guards were on their feet. They were between me and the ceiling door. 

Fireguards: ""For the Fire Nation!""

They both rushed me and tried to use their fire but I used my martial arts to parry all their attacks. I redirected each of their attacks away from me or towards each other. I switched my fighting style to Wing Chun since it was my most developed fighting style and I didn't want to use my fist since it would deal too much damage to them. I ducked under one guards straight punch and elbowed uppercut him and I quickly spun and elbowed him in his torso. The last guard was about to charge at me but I grabbed the guard I just knocked out and threw him to the guard. While he was trying to get the knocked out guard off of him I quickly knocked him out too.

All of this happened in just under 2 minutes. 

Po: "It seems I'm a little rusty. Or maybe I'm just still not accustomed to the spirit infused body I have now." I couldn't help but wonder if I might have some hidden abilities now that I have... spirit energy? Like I said, I'll have to continue training and develop my Wing Chun further, along with my other martial arts knowledge.

I wonder if I should change my name to Bruce Lee or Ip Man?

Po: I shook my head, "No, my mother gave me my name. I won't dishonor her by changing it." I had a somber smile on my face, "I'll have to visit her after I meet the Avatar."

I reached the end of the hall and above me was a door. I could hear shuffling above so I waited. I'll have to be fast and get the high ground when I can.

???: From the other side I heard someone give an order. "Open the door." 


As soon as I heard the door I burst right through the door above me, tossing two guards aside. As soon as I landed on my feet I jumped again, avoiding a fire blast, towards the railing on the second floor and leaned on it. 

???: "Hold your fire!"

Po: "Hello, Warden."

The Warden, a man..., apparently, who is charge of this prison. He was the same as in the show; grumpy, elderly, long hair with a traditional pony tail, and... fat lips for a man. He was wearing Fire Nation army clothes and had a sort of three prong crown headband, a symbol of his authority I guess. I looked around and I saw that the prisoners were in their cells looking through their small barred slots on the doors.

Warden: He squinted and furrowed his brows, "The Jade Dragon." He said my title slowly and continued, "There is no way for you to escape this prison. It is filled with many Fire Nation soldiers, fire benders and archers. Only one way in... and one way out! No one has ever, EVER escaped from here. I'd sooner jump in the boil..."

Po: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chitty, chitty, chat, chat." I mimicked my hands talking and continued. "Listen Mr. Sour Puss, I don't need to hear you monologue about how my escape is futile and whatever. I'm getting out of here today the only question I have is..." I looked at as many eyes of the guards as I could before I continued, "Do you guys want to have your bones inside of you or not?"

I could see a few soldiers gulping and some having a sweat drop on their faces.

Warden: The warden's eyebrow twitch and replied, "Escape from my prison is impossible! Men! Take aim!" The soldiers got ready.

Po: I got myself ready, above me, two floors up, is the jailer box. I can release the other prisoners and they'll buy me time. "This is gonna be fun."

Warden: "Fire!"

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