Ashes Of Heaven Book 1 : Solar Calamity

Chapter 103: Nurturing Insanity

"Okay, this shit's getting out of hand," Xuhan remarked in annoyance, observing the new addition to his dao tower, a white globe that he was all too familiar with.

It had appeared as a dome, replacing the original roof. Moreover, all the creepy crawling letters on the walls had now moved upwards inside it, happily whizzing around on its rounded surface and occasionally diving down to mess with Zhanxian and Tun Shi Tian in their own living spaces.

"How the fuck am I gonna build the second floor on top of THAT?"

"Nobody said you gotta have a flat floor. It isn't as if we're gonna live there. And even if we did, what's the problem?" Tun Shi Tian said from his new trailer-sized room rather unhelpfully. The little bird had again gotten rather cocky after successfully building its own dao base. Now Han Xuhan's dao tower was divided into three portions; his original hall in the middle, with Zhanxian and Tun Shi Tian's rooms sitting opposite to each other on his left and right.

At this point, it wouldn't be wrong to call this dao tower a fancy apartment building with three rooms.

Focusing his thoughts slightly, Xuhan made his consciousness float up toward the dome to inspect it properly. Other than the hundreds of alphabets moving around on its surface in a frenzy, there was one stationary element on it, a familiar-looking circular formation of alphabets.

"Seems like this dome is the representation of my ability as a law manipulator. Brother BB clearly said that legitimate law manipulators view their spawn point in the realm of laws as their dao foundation. But since I was a cultivator already before joining their ranks and had my own interpretation of what a dao tower should look like based on Elder Kong's lectures, this abomination has come into existence."

"I disagree, master. I'm pretty sure that deep down, you really wanted stuff like this to happen. Whenever you're involved in something, it always seems to screw up any semblance of logic it should follow. Once or twice might be coincidences, but you've left those rookie numbers in the dust long ago."

"....There does seem to be some logic in your words, Zhanxian," Xuhan said after a few seconds of disgruntled retrospection.

Breaking the meditation, Han Xuhan opened his eyes and evaluated his current situation for a while.

Right now, his cultivation was advancing pretty smoothly.

The rattlesnake skeleton was already close to completion. Meanwhile, he had commissioned some small-scale missions to the task administration pavilion for detailed skeleton structures of various deadly animals, with a bonus added if they could get him an original skeleton as well for reference. The world of cultivation had all sorts of magical beasts, especially so in the areas outside the high mountains where powerful beasts populated vast regions of land and sea.

When he had been a beginner, penniless cultivator, getting his hands on those powerful beasts would have been almost impossible. But it was a different story now.

Glancing at the list on his table, Xuhan began searching for a suitable task to start on. He had already made both of his minions into cultivators at the zeroth layer of the physique transformation realm. Tun Shi Tian's above-average talent was showing its specialty. It had caught up to Zhanxian already. Perhaps it was time to take things a step further now.

Xuhan dragged a large bag full of resources from one corner of his hut and summoned both of his minions.

"You two, enough resting. Both of you have stabilized yourselves at the zeroth layer. Now, it is time for you to start real cultivation!"

"Oh yeah! I was starting to think that you were afraid of me catching up to you!" Little Tian shouted excitedly.

"Why though? Why do I have to cultivate? Why must I pursue such heights of power? What is in it for me?" Zhanxian fired away questions after questions of incredible philosophical depth. But Tun Shi Tian came to Xuhan's rescue with an answer Xuhan was far too familiar with.

"Think about it, big brother. Once you become strong enough, nobody can order you around, not even master! Even if he manages to send you on risky tasks, you'll storm through it like a breeze! How relaxing and safe would our lives be!" Little Tian answered him.

Han Xuhan nodded along, trying not to laugh. These two brats had no idea how xianxia worlds worked...

Strong enough to take care of any trouble? Such power levels did not exist! Even if they did, it would require a journey stretching past five mega arcs, two dozen realms of cultivation, three universal destruction level wars, and an infinite number of encounters with arrogant young masters with half a realm higher cultivation. It was a rabbit hole of bloodbath and despair all the way!

To enjoy living in a world like this, one had to find ways to enjoy their present life, no matter how depressing it got, no matter how high the peak of cultivation seemed, and no matter how terrible a struggle lay ahead. This was something he firmly believed in.

"Your words make sense, little Tian. Master, I'm ready to go!" Zhanxian, meanwhile, suddenly looked much more enthusiastic about cultivation.

"Look at you two! All primed and ready to rebel against your master, huh? So cute."

Xuhan took out the only cultivation manual in his room that hadn't been touched since he had bought it.

Unfurling the scroll in front of the two eager minions, Xuhan read it out aloud to them.

"Spiritual Bones, a technique that allows the practitioner to use qi from outer sources to forge a skeletal form of their own body, which helps strengthen their bones and becomes an additional layer of protection inside their body. The spiritually reinforced bones also can absorb qi from the surroundings to replenish themselves and become sturdier automatically at later stages of the technique. This technique is suitable for anyone in the physique transformation realm to the peak of the soul transformation realm. A cultivator above these realms will have no use for this technique."

"Ooh, that technique sounds like it was made for us, master! It must have cost you a fortune to find a technique that suits us undead skeletons."

"It's actually the other way around, minions. I really came to love the concept of this technique the first time I saw it. But since it would be too painful to cultivate inside my own body, I decided to practice the Skeletal Monarch technique, summon skeleton minions like yourselves, and make YOU practice the technique," Xuhan told little Tian.

"Wha- why would anybody do anything in such a roundabout way? That sounds so whimsical!" Zhanxian smacked his fists on the ground and roared.

"You know what, master? I used to have some respect for you thinking that you treasured us, that you treated the technique that created us as your main cultivation technique. But I have lost even that tiny amount of respect after this."

"Shut the hell up and start studying, brats! You don't want me to use you as a cannon fodder at your current state, do you?"

Finally losing all patience, Xuhan started shouting too. The shouts generated from within his hut got louder and louder as he struggled to teach his minions and occasionally tried to experiment with certain portions of the manual, most of which ended up as disasters.

........ ........ ......... .........

"I expected to see you here much earlier, little Ye. Teaching suits you. Your parents would be proud."

"Thank you for your kind words, master Zi. You were expecting me already? May I know why?"

"Have a seat first. We've got some important matters to discuss."

Xuan Zi used telekinesis to drag a chair over and gestured at Kong Ye to sit down.

"To tell you the truth, I still think the family made a mistake when they exiled you with me. You're a bright star of your generation, full of talent and ambition, unlike a bag of old bones like me. You shouldn't be here in the middle of these infertile neutral territories, looking for disciples, not at your age."

Kong Ye lightly shook his head in disagreement.

After getting the system, he had slowly come to love teaching. It was such an incredible way of cultivating! He didn't have to consume resources like a bottomless abyss, he didn't have to battle others and risk grievous injuries, he didn't have to sit in a hut for years trying to break through to a new realm!

All he had to do was find talented young children and guide them! His system took care of the rest. Which cultivator in this universe had a life so relaxing as his?

"You look distracted, little Ye. Speak up," Xuan Zi said, interrupting his daydreams.

"Master Zi, you're nowhere near being a bag of old bones. I believe the Chamber of Lords will regret exiling you one day. Besides, I'm actually quite content with my life here. Never thought teaching children would be this fun."

"That's good to hear. I assume you're here to discuss about the apprenticeship affair with me, yes?"

Kong Ye nodded in response.

"Elder Daheng has told me about your interest in his mountain peak's disciples already...and it seems like you've figured something out about them, little Ye," Xuan Zi said, his eyes set on the view outside the window. Kong Ye could hear the subtle amusement creep into his voice.

"It really was quite a surprise. I didn't think you'd be able to gather so many children of destiny in one place. Don't you think stacking them all into that one mountain peak would be disastrous?" Kong Ye asked, unable to contain his curiosity anymore.

"Good question, that one. We'll get to that. But first, tell me something. What exactly are the abnormalities that you've discovered about them so far? I did do my best to keep most of it hidden."

"Mu Ran, the most high-profile disciple of his generation, seems to have an extremely abnormal dao foundation. The pressure it exudes can easily stand up to the core disciples in our family. His cultivation speed, qi cycling technique, martial skills are all abnormally advanced compared to anyone with his background. Moreover, his soul is definitely in a strange state where even my spiritual senses cannot glean any remnants of information from it," Kong Ye said breathlessly, his lines prepared beforehand.

Xuan Zi's expression didn't change a bit as he listened, not that Kong Ye expected much of a reaction from him. He was sure that the sect master knew far more than he did about these oddities.

"The other recent sensation among the disciples, that Zhou girl...We all saw what she did a few days ago. That heavenly tribulation summoning technique is as insidious as it is innovative. I've never seen such sophistication and boneheadedness contained in one technique so fluidly.

She risked the lives of all of those disciples under her spell, took control of their souls, used a brutal method to harmonize their souls with her music and calibrate them to stimulate the aura of a cultivator about to break through. The way it was executed, combined with her absurd skills and knowledge of techniques unheard of in these neutral territories, makes her the ideal apprentice candidate for all the elders here. I believe she is aware of the apprenticeship tradition and made the commotion to get the most qualified and resourceful elders interested in her talent."

Xuan Zi cranked his neck towards Kong Ye for a brief moment, expression unreadable. With a snort, he remarked, "she's a smart lass, I'll give you that. But I hope you've realized how cold-blooded she is. Talent, resources, and brutality make for a combination very few can nurture properly. You'd know that better than anyone else, hahhaha!"

Kong Ye's expression stiffened.

"Are you willing to take the risk, little Ye?"

"...Yes, I am."

Of course he was. Kong Ye's system needed him to nurture disciples with the Halo, the sort whose potential easily ranked up to the S-class. Why would he let go of such a wonderful disciple with his life on the line?

Xuan Zi seemed to hear the conviction in his tone. Nodding imperceptibly, he gestured at Kong Ye to continue.

"Then there's that boy Xiao Wu. I believe he has a very special bloodline. I don't have any proof to verify my suspicion right now. But his qi cycling, the positioning of his meridians, and a lot of tiny details over the months have only fortified my suspicions. I doubt a regular elder of this small branch sect can unlock the boy's full potential. Why not give him to me?"

"Is that all?" Xuan Zi asked lazily.

". . .The other two disciples of that mountain peak, the twins, they're oddities among oddities. I haven't been able to glean much from them since they almost never appear in classes. But something about the two seems very, very familiar...almost as if I've met them before, back when I was a treasured child of the family."

Xuan Zi finally straightened up, his gaze intensely drilling into Kong Ye's eyes.

"Excellent observation, little Ye. I don't know what you found out about the twins, but I doubt you'll progress further with them. As for the rest, I've settled it with Daheng. He has given you the permission to have a private chat with each of his disciples where you can offer any incentives you can manage. If they're convinced, elder Daheng will not intervene."

Kong Ye's eyebrows shot up as he fell deep in thought. Sect master Zi seemed oddly touchy on the topic of the twins. But there was a bigger problem here.

It only took him a few moments to figure out the trap in the arrangement Xuan Zi had made for him.

"Master Zi, you're asking a lot from me. You clearly know that these disciples have terrifying appetites. What they need right now...I can see it. And if I need to lure them over with extra incentives in this arrangement as an active party, I'm going to have to tackle those exact needs of theirs. I'll have to overstep the boundaries I have been limited within before being exiled."

Xuan Zi's face betrayed no emotion except a thin smirk.

"Something tells me this is an outcome you designed long ago, sect master."

"Can't entirely deny that," Xuan Zi muttered with a shrug, the shadow of a smirk on his face getting more prominent.

Right when Kong Ye was about to take his leave, a momentary burst of fiery explosion far above on the sky caught his eye. He would have missed the phenomenon had he not noticed a tiny, bright ball of fire from that explosion zone hurtling toward them as fast as a lightning bolt.

He recognized what it was. As the fireball got closer, both of them noticed a red bird within it, carrying a finger-thick scroll.

"A message from the family?" He asked the Xuan Zi with a raised brow.

Xuan Zi didn't answer, opting to read the message the bird had dropped on his head first. By the time he opened up the scroll, the bird disappeared with another bright fiery flash.

A few seconds later, the open scroll caught on fire in Xuan Zi's hands, burning down, its ashes flying away with the wind.

"What does it say? I didn't think anyone would contact us exiles here unless something big happened. Should I know?"

Xuan Zi casually waved his concern off.

"Don't worry about it. I asked old man Ming to investigate a type of ancestry determinant for me. Turns out the vial I gave him contained nothing but water mixed with random substances. There is no determinant factor in it."

Kong Ye scratched his head in confusion but thought nothing of it. There was another disciple he had forgotten to mention to Xuan Zi. That was more important.

"By the way, I also want to have one of those 'chats' with that boy named Han Xuhan. Remember him?" He said.

Xuan Zi's face looked rather rigid as he answered,

"Of course. I do remember putting him in that mountain peak since no other elders wanted him. What a troublesome lad..."

"That says volumes about the idiots you recruited as elders in a hurry. Those elders couldn't notice a gem if it struck them square on their face," Kong Ye scowled.

"Oh? You noticed something weird about him too? Something other than his reincarnation?" Xuan Zi asked in a suspicious tone.

"The boy has a very good relationship with the rest of his 'special' peers. I'm pretty sure he got Mu Ran to spill the secrets of how he managed to cultivate a dao foundation so stable and powerful. Besides, you must have noticed how talented the boy is when it comes to making money. He literally rose from the ranks of poor mortal disciples to become the biggest spendthrift in his generation. Every master would want a disciple like him who can handle worldly affairs so smoothly, regardless of his talent. Plus, I always like a challenge. Even if he isn't special in any way, what's stopping me from trying to make him one?"

"Ah, the young are truly ambitious. Look at you, little Ye. I don't know if you'll ever regret having such ambitions and spirit in the future, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you achieve! It'll be fun to see how the family reacts if we ever manage to nurture this sect to a height close to theirs."

"A height close to the family? I'd say you're the one with the greatest ambition between us, Master Zi!" Kong Ye gasped in disbelief and shook his head.

"Then this matter is settled, sect master. I'll come to visit you once I'm done with their recruitment. The first round of the tournament sure seems interesting! I have seen few competitions unfolding at such scales back home."

"Eh, they need to make sure no riff-raff sects get in just by relying on name and fame. I was anticipating some changes in the traditional routines. A wide-scale test like this for the first round will ensure both quality and flexibility during the tournament. Whoever came up with this idea is definitely no ordinary cultivator...."

Xuan Zi trailed off, sinking into his thoughts.

Kong Ye bid goodbye to him, his thoughts full of his own plans and schemes. He needed to be fully prepared for the recruitment interviews....

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