Annie Grey

Chapter 67: How i met your Mother III

"Revelare!" said Lucy and suddenly flashy lights spread out from the box and there was a voice message being played, it was Lucy's Father

"My Dearest Lucinda how are you?? I am sorry but i won't be able to come home just yet there are still many matters to attend to here and the King and Queen need my presence at the Vampire Castle, so Lucinda you have to go there and represent us, because there are some legal Matters to attend and this is the time for you to put all the political training me and your Mother have taught you to use, i know it might sound scary to be around Vampires but don't worry i have sent someone to escort you there so don't worry my dear, but now i have to go take care my Dearest Lucinda" said her Father.

"Sophie can you please excuse me and Bella for a minute" said Lucy "Okay Lucy" said Sophie as she bowed and walked away.

"What a coincidence i mean, my Father wants me to go to the Vampire castle??Bella what do i dooo??I can't let Prince Lucas find out that we are witches and not Vampires" said Lucy as she facepalmed herself

"Okay okay Chilll Luc" said Bella as she tried to calm down Lucy

"Okay Number 1 remember that it was a masquerade part and we had our masks on the whole time so he hasn't seen our faces yet" said Bella

"Okay yes that is true" said Lucy

"Number 2 so what if it's the Vampire Castle what are the odds that he is called to the meeting too" said Bella

"Okay okay Belle i get your point" said Lucy

"But you are going with me right??" asked Lucy

"Of Course girl, i am going with you" said Bella

"Okay then" said Lucy

"Sophie, Sophie" said Lucy as she rang the bell by the door "Yes Lucy" said Sophie "Please tell Chris to prepare the Carriage and Put Max in as one of the Horses we are going to the Vampire Castle" said Sophie

"Va.. Va...Vampire Castle??" asked Sophie as she looked scared

"Oh don't be scared Sophie you are not going with us, it's only me and Bella" said Lucy as she sensed Sophie's fear

"Oh Thank the Heavens" murmured Sophie to herself, Sophie had heard many horror stories about Vampires and it scared her to bits she was so surprised that the mention of going to the Vampire castle did now seem to bother Lucy and Sophie.

Lucy and Bella grabbed their cloaks and wore them, then they made their way to the Stables, where Lucy fed Max.

Max had been Lucy's horse since she was 9 she got his as a present from her Parents and he had been her companion since, he was a midnight black stallion and he was really fast, when Lucy would ride on his people would be shocked because a silver Blonde blue eyed girl, riding on a horse as Dark as Darkness seemed Unbelievable they looked like they were from two different worlds Light and Dark, Morning and Night, it was a very enchanting sight to see them riding together.

"Hey Luc no fair i thought i was your best friend but we all know Maxy here beats me😭😭" whined Bella as she looked at Lucy with Puppy dog eyes

"Oh be mature Belle how can Maxy compare to my Bestie" said Lucy but her eyes were still on Max and she was still petting his very dark mane.

"Hello Madam Lucy" said a man as he walked to the stables, it was Chris

Chris was an old witch he looked like he was in his fifties his hair had gone grey already and he had a beard, he was very advanced in Magic and he was also Lucy's bodyguard.

"Oooh Good Morning Chris" said Lucinda as she waved at him

"Good Morning Chris" said Bella as she waved too

"Goood Morning, well Madam Lucy it's time for Max to be saddled up we have a not very long Journey ahead of us" said Chris as he fed Max some hay

"Okay Chris, Maxy be a good Boy Mama will be in the carriage" said Lucinda as she hugged him one last time and grabbed Bella's hand as they entered the Carriage.

The Journey was very smooth on the way Bella and Lucy got to see the beautiful countryside of the Witch world right before they got to the border with the Vampires, but the Border wasn't a visible one, no it was one coated with Heavy magic that restricted anyone who wasn't allowed to pass by.

"Aperi Mihi" called out Chris and with that the Border was lifted and they crossed to the other side, Lucy and Bella expected the Vampire lands to be dead and not full of life they expected it to be a wasteland but it was quite the opposite they were in awe, this place looked even more beautiful than the Witch world.

The Grass was greener than anything they had seen before, the trees were very ancient and beautiful, the Sky was very blue it was like a wonderland, but Chris didn't seem so surprised as he had been here before, it was not long before they heard Chris say..

"Well Ladies we have arrived at the Palace" All this time the Girls were in awe of their surroundings that they didn't know that they were already there, as soon as they stepped out of the Carriage they were even more shocked.

The Palace looked like something they had never seen before, there was a Crystal clear Lake in front of it and a little bridge to enter it, it looked like it had 500 rooms, the place just looked simply breathtaking and when they went inside it was something else waiting for them.

The décor was simply so decorated you could see very expensive paintings and artworks with vases and sculptures the chairs had interesting prints on it and it looked like they had 500 servants.

"Who knew Vampires liked to Live Large??" whispered Bella to Lucy as she got a hold of herself.

"Yes who knew??" asked Lucy as she was still dazed

"Ladies these maids are here to escort us" said Chris as he looked at the Girls

"Well Chris are they Vampires??" whispered Bella to Chris

"yes they are but don't worry because the Vampires in This country don't drink blood" he answered back. and with that Bella's heart was put at ease.

When they finally stopped, the maid escorting them halted at a great big Mahogany double door with some gold colored carvings and she opened the door, the room was very nice with some couches and all and it seemed like they were the first to arrive there.

"Please wait here till the other guests arrive if you need anything don't hesitate to call me" said the Maid

"Okay Thank you" said Lucy as she smiled at the maid, and with that the maid Girl left

They waited in the room for a long time until they heard someone outside the door, Lucinda held her breath because she thought she would see Prince Lucas, but as the door opened she saw someone else completely.

"Uncle Capi??" asked Lucy as she could not believe who she was seeing

"Lucinda!!" said Captious as he reached out for a hug and she hugged him

"Good Morning Uncle Capi" said Bella because Captious didn't see her

"Ahh Isabella i should have guessed that you would be here too" he said as he smiled at her and she smiled back.

"What brings you here Uncle Capi??' asked Lucinda

"Well it's the same reason you are here, it's because your father isn't present and he sent me to keep an eye on you" he said as he winked at her.

"Oooh Very typical of Professor S to be so over protective of his Princess" said Bella sarcastically.

Well After the reunion, Bella, Lucy, Chris and Uncle Capi talked and caught up on their recent adventures until, the door opened and another Maid announced and said "All bow to the Great Vampire King, King Henry the II"

And with that Lucy and Bella Curtseyed while Chris and Captious Bowed, The man looked like he was in his sixties but he looked so young you could not tell he was already over sixty, he had orange hair and dark green eyes, you could definitely see where Lucas got his good looks from.

"Good Morning your Majesty" said Bella and Lucy in a chorus as their heads were still down.

"Well Good Morning Beautiful Ladies, Please take a seat" said King Henry

"Ahh Chris, Captious long time no see" he said as he showed that the Gentlemen must seat down.

"Well yes it's been 200 years since the last meeting" said Captious

"Oh has it?? time moves really fast" said King Henry

The King then called the maid that was standing in the corner and whispered to her "Where is Lucas he is supposed to be here by now??"

"Don't worry Sire he will be here soon" she replied

"Okay so now let's talk about business" said King Henry as he turned to his guests

"Yes Your Majesty" said Captious

All this time Bella and Lucy were just quiet observing the King to see what type of person he was and it seemed like he was very nice.

"Okay so there is a sudden increase in Rouges and they are passing the boundaries" he said with a serious tone.

When Lucy and Bella heard the word Rouges they Subconsciously looked at each other, Just then someone Barged into the room.

"Sorry for being late everyone something held me up" said Lucas as he showed his apologies and sat next to his father, "Father i am sorry, that i am late me and Jacob were on the rouges tail" he whispered to his Father.

Lucinda was shocked on how Good looking the Prince was, because at the Masquerade party he had his mask on the whole time but now in the broad daylight she was all his Features from his nice chin, to his perfect nose and eyes and she could not believe how much of a pretty boy he was.

It was then Lucas removed his attention from his father and he saw two pretty ladies sitting in the corner of the room, the eyes and hair of the first lady was familiar it looked like the one of the lady that he saved at the the masquerade party yesterday.

"Father who are those two ladies sitting over there??" whispered Lucas to his Father

"Oh they are the witch representatives, they are here standing in gap for their parents, why are you asking is there anything wrong?" asked Henry

"No don't worry Dad i was Just curious" said Lucas as he looked at Lucinda suspiciously.

When Lucinda saw that Lucas was looking at her she turned red and looked away she thought to herself "He can't possibly remember me right?? i mean he has never seen my face"

Bella realized her Bestie was freaking out inside and she gave her a look to excuse herself.

"Umm your Majesty you were talking about Rouge Vampires right??" asked Bella

"Yes Fair Lady why do you ask??" said King Henry

"Well it's because me and my friend here have ran into some before" said Bella as she tried her best not to give too much Information

"Lucinda is that true??" asked Captious

"Yes Uncle Capi it's true, me and Bella were in the forest and they attacked us luckily someone saved us" said Lucy as she didn't look up

When Lucas heard this he immediately looked directly at Lucinda and he knew that his intuition was right this was the girl that he saved and that Came to the Masquerade ball yesterday but he thought she was a vampire but now she turned out to be a witch how ironic thought Lucas to himself.

"Lucinda what time was this??" asked Chris

Bella quickly replied and said "it was early in the Morning when me and Lucy went to explore more of the forest" she said

Chris looked suspicious at Bella's answer.

"But last i remember Rouges only come out at night when the sun isn't up" said King Henry

"No Father, the Rouges are becoming more confident and even dare to go out in the day, that's what me and Jacob have just discovered" said Lucas

Lucinda Looked at Lucas and realized that he quickly covered up for them "Could he have figured out their identities??" she Thought to herself

"Lucinda why didn't you tell me that Rouges attacked you??' asked Chris

"i'm sorry Chris but at that time we didn't know what Rouges were and since they were taken care off we didn't see the need to tell you" said Lucy as she looked at Chris

"Well it's okay just remember to tell me next time" said Chris

"I will" said Lucy

"Your Majesty may i be excused to the restroom" asked Lucy as she still didn't look up

"Sure, Just let one of the maids escort you" he answered

"Thank you, your Majesty" said Lucy as she curtsied and walked out the room.

Once Lucy was outside the door she went straight for the exit and went outside to breath some fresh air, she couldn't believe all that was happening right now.

"Father May i be excused as well i need to do something very quickly" whispered Lucas to his father.

"Okay you may be excused" he answered

"Thank you Father" he said

Once Bella saw that Prince Charming was off his seat she immediately knew where he was going, he was going to find Lucy and that spelt trouble, as soon as Lucas left the room, Bella said "Your Majesty may i be excused as well i want to Find Lucy and Make sure she isn't lost"

"Okay you may be excused" replied the King and with that Bella was already out the door and only the 3 men were left in the room "Ahh Youth these days" said The King as he sipped some of his tea.

And all the men laughed

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