Anime Crossover : Living in the Heart of Tokyo

Chapter 29: 29 Social Death


Early in the morning, Hojou Kyousuke's internal clock woke him up.

After brushing up, he grabbed his bamboo sword and took the elevator downstairs.

Today, he managed to catch the right train for the subway.

Kyousuke walked to school at his own pace, stopping by a convenience store on the way to grab some milk and bread, eating as he walked.

"Good morning, Boss!"

Kyousuke stopped.

It was Akashi Takeomi, still stationed at the school entrance to keep order, along with someone else whose name he didn't know.

Not just Kyousuke, but with the school day starting, everyone around the gate stopped to look at him.

"Good morning, Boss!" More than ten voices shouted in unison.

Higashi High School was the headquarters for the "Rampaging Angels," with about 900 students in middle school and 1200 in high school.

With the group so large, it was practically guaranteed that there'd be a Rampaging Angel in every group of twenty.

If Kyousuke didn't stop this, there'd be a constant stream of greetings every time he entered the school.

He couldn't help but imagine the scene:

Entering a restroom only to be greeted by a row of burly men standing at the urinals, all of them yelling, "Good morning, Boss."

God, please save me. This is social death.

Kyousuke didn't know how Makki dealt with this situation, but he decided he'd try his best to stay in the classroom until the evening.

"Ah, it's you, Akashi. How's your hand? Is it better?"

Kyousuke didn't know how to feel, but he still checked in on Akashi Takeomi.

Yes, the guy had tried to fight him yesterday, and while he wasn't weak, it was just one sword strike, really.

"Yeah, it's totally fine now." Akashi Takeomi waved his bamboo sword a few times.

"That's good. See you tonight." Kyousuke nodded, then walked toward the school building.

"Take care, Boss!"


On his way to the classroom, in addition to greetings, Kyousuke overheard people quietly whispering about the "Handless Demon."

What in the world is that? Makki mentioned it too, didn't he?

Finally making it to the classroom, Kyousuke hadn't even had a chance to relax when another loud voice rang out.

"Good morning, Boss!"

It was Kisaki Tetta, the same troublemaker.

He was standing in the back of the classroom, arms behind his back, legs spread, and bowing at a ninety-degree angle.

Kyousuke quickly walked over, grabbed Kisaki Tetta's head under his arm, and started rotating his fist on his skull.

"Are you doing this on purpose?!"

"Ahh, Boss, I'm sorry!"

"You're getting a lesson today!" Kyousuke didn't let up, treating him like a child.

"Please, spare me!"

They kept at it for a while, and only after noticing that the entire class was watching them did Kyousuke let Kisaki go.

Returning to his seat, Kyousuke felt a little happy.

Back in elementary school, the classmates were too childish, and most of his friends were girls.

He hadn't had a playful fight like this in a long time.

"Kisaki, do you know what's going on with this 'Handless Demon' nickname?" Kyousuke asked Kisaki Tetta, knowing that his number one underling was always in the loop.

"Eh? Boss, you didn't know?" Kisaki Tetta looked at him, surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense and explain it to me now."

Seeing Kisaki's expression, Kyousuke had a bad feeling.

"Alright, well, it's your nickname, Boss! 'Handless Demon,' sounds pretty badass, right? It makes people shiver just hearing it."


Kyousuke accidentally spat his milk out, luckily turning his head at the last moment so it didn't hit Kisaki Tetta.

What the heck? My nickname? Handless Demon? Badass?

He couldn't help but compare it to Makki's nickname, "Higashi Hero." Was this what they considered badass?

"What's going on here?"

Kyousuke quickly asked, his reputation on the line.

After all, a name was everything in the underworld.

It was said that there's no such thing as a wrong nickname, only a nickname you regret.

"If you're referring to when you're fighting, you always aim for people's hands, right?"

"Whether it's the Rampaging Angels or the Beauty Enthusiasts, everyone agrees it's a cool nickname."

"They say, in front of the Handless Demon, no one's hands are left intact. That's why it stuck."

Exhausted, Kyousuke just wanted to end it all.

He turned away with a blank expression, not wanting to hear Kisaki go on about how cool the nickname was.

If Sakura found out, she'd laugh her head off. And that unreliable mom of his would probably laugh even harder.

He could already picture the two of them, hunched over, laughing so hard they couldn't breathe.

During the lunch break, a few new students came up and asked to join the Rampaging Angels, but Kisaki Tetta chased them off.

This didn't disturb Kyousuke's nap, but he realized something important.

It seemed like everyone at school knew he was the new second-in-command of the Rampaging Angels.

His classmates were avoiding him, making it clear that he wouldn't be making any new friends in middle school.

He was seriously considering transferring.

No way could he stay at Higashi High for the rest of his life.

He was tired of this monk school.

It wasn't just the lack of cute girls like Sakura and Shouko—he didn't even hear a woman's voice other than the teachers.

For lunch, Kisaki Tetta went to buy food for him, though Kyousuke paid for it.

Ah, being the boss wasn't so bad after all.

On the rooftop, beneath a newly set-up gazebo, Kyousuke relaxed, enjoying his lunch as he thought about how wise his decision to become the second-in-command had been.

As everyone knew, rooftops in Japan were popular date spots, but at Higashi High, they had become a gathering place for delinquents.

When Kyousuke first walked up to the roof, the atmosphere was terrible.

He was about to leave when Kisaki spoke with some of the delinquents who had greeted him, and soon more and more of them showed up, carrying cleaning supplies.

In less than five minutes, the place was spotless, and they even set up a makeshift canopy for him, complete with a lounge chair for napping.

Kisaki Tetta even wanted to set up a home theater and gaming consoles for him, but Kyousuke quickly stopped him.

That was just too extravagant.

Once again, he marveled at how smart his decision to join the Rampaging Angels had been, then drifted off for a nap in the cool breeze.

The afternoon passed without incident, as he immersed himself in studying.

After school, Kyousuke headed to the Kendo Club for practice.

The moment he stepped into the clubroom, he quickly backed out.

As expected, the usual loud "Good morning, Boss!" rang out.

With so many people in such a confined space, the volume was enough to make his ears ring.

After the noise subsided, Kyousuke finally stepped inside.

Kanahara Takao, the vice president of the Kendo Club, came over to greet him.

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