Ang Mutya Ng Section E (Book - 2) English

Chapter 39: chapter 163 - Past

Jay-Jay's POV

There was a time when I got upset with Ci-N because of his laziness and the mess he made in my room. All I could think about was getting rid of him.

When he wasn't around, my room was quiet. I didn't have to clean up every day or every night.

But my world was shaken when he arrived. Bit by bit, he would eat snacks—chips, ice cream, juice, soda, candy, and cake. I always ended up hanging out at the mini-mart to buy him a midnight snack.

I washed his clothes because he didn't know how, and he didn't want their maid, Aunt Gema, to do it. He claimed her hands carried too many germs.

I stayed up late watching movies on his laptop. I often got angry at him for his foolishness, yet somehow, I was always the one blamed. Aunt Gema and Brother Angelo took care of him more than I did.

And most of all, Aries and I often argued because of him.

Messy? Yes! But also so much fun…

My shoulders slumped as I watched him pack his things. I didn't want to help him—I wanted him to stay longer.

There was a time when I wanted to send him away, but now that he was really leaving—I didn't want him to go!

"Can you help me?" he asked.

I sighed and approached him. But instead of helping him pack, I did the opposite. I took out the clothes he put in.

"Hey! We need to finish this! Stop messing around!" he said in frustration, snatching the clothes from my hands.

"Just leave tomorrow," I pleaded.

"Mama doesn't want that… It would be embarrassing," he replied, sitting next to me. "...If you don't want to be separated from me, apply to be my assistant."

I gave him a sharp look. Was he serious? Why would I work for him?!

"...It's a good idea. That way, Keifer and Aries won't get jealous anymore," he added.


"Keifer and Aries?" I asked, confused.

Keifer, I understood. That guy was always jealous—the ultimate embodiment of possessiveness. But Aries? That seemed impossible.

"What makes you think Aries is jealous?"

"You can see it in his eyes. He gets really jealous when we're having fun," Ci-N replied without hesitation.

I frowned. His words felt vague. Maybe Aries was just annoyed that Ci-N got so much attention in our house.

He went back to packing, and despite my reluctance, I helped him. As I folded his clothes, I noticed something.

"Hey! This is mine!" I exclaimed, holding up a t-shirt.

Ci-N laughed. "It's mine now."

I scowled but handed it over.

Once we finished packing, I was amazed. We had managed to fit everything into his enormous suitcase. With all the clothes and toys he had brought, it seemed impossible, but somehow, we made it work.

A knock sounded at the door before it opened. Kuya Angelo walked in and immediately looked at Ci-N's suitcase.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Ci-N smiled and nodded. I stood up, and together, we tried pushing the suitcase out.

We passed by Aries' room, and suddenly, my stomach dropped.

"Ci-N! What's in this? Gold?!" I complained.

He just shook his head.

We neared the stairs, and as I pushed the suitcase harder, I lost control. Before I could stop it, the suitcase tumbled down the stairs.

Shit! Shit!

"Argh!" someone screamed.

We ran down in a panic. My eyes widened as I saw Aries lying at the bottom of the stairs, the suitcase practically on top of him.

"A-Aries! S-sorry..." I stammered, rushing to pull the suitcase away.

Aries pushed it off with all his strength, groaning in pain. Ci-N and I helped him.

The suitcase was finally removed, but Aries still looked hurt. He was clutching his chest, sweating.

"Hey… I didn't mean to," I said, reaching out, but he smacked my hand away.

"What the hell?! Where did that come from?!" he yelled angrily.

"S-sorry. That's my suitcase," Ci-N admitted.

Aries slowly stood up and snapped at him. "You're about to leave, and you're still causing trouble!"

I quickly stepped in front of Ci-N, shielding him. "It was my fault! You don't have to yell at him!" I shot back, locking eyes with Aries.

Pain was evident on his face. He was still sweating profusely. Without another word, he turned and walked away, but not before shooting Ci-N a glare.

Once Aries was gone, we struggled to push the suitcase again. We finally reached the door, where Kuya Angelo was waiting.

He took hold of the suitcase—and nearly fell backward when he realized how heavy it was.

"How much do you bet he can't carry it?" I whispered to Ci-N.

"He can. Your big brother is strong," he replied confidently.

Kuya tried to carry the suitcase. He even counted, "One... two... three!" as if he were in a competition.

Ci and I just laughed at his exaggerated effort, making him look like he was having an asthma attack.

"Go ahead, laugh it up!" he said, annoyed.

We immediately got into the car. Ci and I sat next to each other, his arm still hooked around mine.

"I'll miss you..." I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Jay... Don't be so dramatic. I'll see you at school."

I glared at him. This kid really knew how to ruin a moment!

The ride was quiet. I gazed out the window, watching the city lights pass by.

His condo unit wasn't that far, but it felt like we were entering another world.

A world of wealth and luxury!

Kuya parked the car, and as soon as we arrived, I saw Ci's entire family waiting at the entrance of the building.

Rakki was there too, standing next to his sister.

I heard a sigh beside me. Ci lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers.

"So this is it… I have to learn to live alone from now on," he muttered.

Sadness washed over me. I knew he wasn't ready yet. He was only 14—just a kid. How could he possibly live alone?

I turned to him. "Are you sure you don't want me to apply as my assistant?"

I immediately pinched his cheek. This kid! Why was he so insistent on making me his assistant?

Kuya lowered the suitcase. Ci's family waited for us. I held his hand.

"It's okay… Just call me if you need anything," I said.

"Thanks," he replied with a forced smile. Then, all of a sudden, his expression brightened. "Now that I have my own place to live… I can throw parties and invite some gi—Argh!"

I pinched him hard to shut him up. My heart was already heavy knowing he was leaving, and now, all he could think about was nonsense.

So annoying!

"Relax! It was just a joke... Why do you always have to pinch me?!" he whined, rubbing his arm.

"Because you're annoying!"

I got out of the car. He followed, and Kuya Angelo struggled to push the suitcase. Even though he didn't say anything, I could tell he was having a hard time.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Fernandez," Ci's mom said. "...I know Ci-N has a big crush on you."

Ci-N immediately looked down, clearly embarrassed by his mother's words.

"It's okay. Ci-N was a bother to us," Kuya Angelo replied with a smile.

You? No. But me? YES!

"Thank you for letting Ci-N stay at your house. How about we take you out for dinner?" Ci's father offered.

"Thanks, Mr. Peralta. That sounds great," Kuya answered.

"How about Saturday night?"


I looked back and forth between Kuya and Ci's father. Their conversation felt so formal. It reminded me of how different their worlds were.

Even though I spoke English, I wasn't from that kind of background.

I glanced at Ci, who was still looking down, sneaking glances at his brother. I followed his gaze.

His older brother was glaring at me—expected. His sister was giving me a full-body scan, sizing me up from head to toe—intimidating.

Rakki, on the other hand, forced a small smile. I smiled back.

But why was she even here? Was she already part of the family? So sweet, huh?

"Ci-N! Let's go! Say thank you and goodbye to your friend," his mother instructed.

Ci turned to me and smiled. "Are you really sure you don't want to apply?"

This kid!

I just shook my head, laughing.

"Too bad… The salary is 50,000."

My eyes widened in shock, but before I could take him seriously, he burst into laughter.


I ruffled his hair, even though I really wanted to throw him onto the floor.

"Bye, Jay… See you at school tomorrow," he said, walking towards his family.

Kuya came up to me. "Let's go?"

I nodded, and we headed back to the car.

The drive was silent—or more accurately, the surroundings were silent.

No more noise.


Kuya suddenly stopped in front of the Mini Mart.

"Come on… I just need to buy something," he said, getting out.

I followed, surprised. As he walked in, he grabbed a basket and glanced at me.

"Get whatever you want, Jay," he said.

I smiled and grabbed my own basket. I wanted to take everything! Just kidding—but I did want a lot.

While picking out snacks, I glanced at the other side of the shelves.

There was someone with corn-colored hair.

He was tall—I could see the top of his head even though the shelves were high.

Corn-colored hair…

Something clicked in my mind. Who had corn-colored hair again? His name reminded me of that singer from PPAP.

"Jay-Jay?" someone called.

I turned around.

And there he was—the guy with the yellow hair.


"It's really you!" he exclaimed, immediately walking up to me.

I instinctively pulled back when he hugged me. Thankfully, he got the hint right away and let go.

He had a guilty look on his face!

Wearing a long-sleeved shirt with holes, faded shorts, and slippers over socks—what a fashion statement!

"How did you end up here?" I asked, my tone slightly curious.

"Probably got into a car and parked outside," he replied, annoyed.

"Ahh… So you didn't walk from the car to the entrance?" I asked sarcastically.

He fell silent and just stared at me. Then, out of nowhere, he burst into laughter. I laughed too. This was abnormal!

"Jay!" Kuya Angelo called out. "...Is it okay if—" He suddenly stopped mid-sentence when he saw who I was talking to. "Leo?"


Who's Leo?

I looked back and forth between Kuya Angelo and Tiger—wait! Leo… like a lion?

I turned to Tiger. "You're Leo?"

He suddenly grinned widely. Kuya stepped forward, placing a firm hand on my shoulder.

"How are you, Angelo? Long time no see," Leo said in a teasing tone.

Kuya's grip on my shoulder tightened, making me glance up at him. He was staring intensely at Leo—Tiger.

"I'm fine. Nice seeing you here," Kuya replied, though his tone sounded forced.

The two of them locked eyes for a long moment. Something was definitely up between them.

Then, Tiger suddenly turned to me and winked.

I frowned. "I'll poke your eye out," I threatened.

He chuckled. "You look cute when you're mad. I'm not giving you free pizza, though."

Oh, come on!

"You two know each other?" Kuya asked.

Oh, crap!

Kuya didn't even know I had been to Kingsground. Now I was caught in the middle of this!

I glanced at Tiger, silently begging him not to spill anything. But of course, this guy had no filter.

"Yeah… I met him when they visited Kingsground," he said casually.

Kuya's grip tightened even more. Ouch! My bones! I was about to break!

"They went to Kingsground," Kuya repeated, staring at me with a meaningful look.

Jay-jay… play dead!

Nope, not an option. He was going to make me go home, and I'd better eat everything I wanted before I got hanged for this.

"Hey, look…" Tiger said, glancing behind us. "...Alvin!"

We turned at the same time.

Sir Alvin!

He noticed us and walked over.

Do they know each other too?

"Angelo," he greeted Kuya with a smile before they fist-bumped.

Wait… are they friends?

Sir Alvin turned to me and smiled. "...Hello, Jay."

I smiled back, but internally, I was screaming, Sir, save me from Kuya! Maybe you can help me since you're my teacher!

Then, he turned to Tiger, and his face suddenly turned serious.


Tiger let out a small chuckle, though it had a hint of annoyance. "Don't look at me like I'm some kind of criminal."

"Sorry… It's just that you've changed a lot," Sir Alvin replied.

"Well… Did I change for the better?" Tiger asked, smirking.

Kuya Angelo and Sir Alvin both looked him up and down.

"You… you're ugly," Sir Alvin said seriously.


I nearly collapsed trying to hold back my laughter. Tiger's eyebrows immediately furrowed.

"Ugly?! Are you stupid?!" He turned to Kuya. "...Am I ugly, Angelo?!"

"The truth is…" Kuya trailed off.

Tiger smirked, waiting for a compliment.

"...Not at all," Kuya finally said.

Tiger grinned.

"...You're just really ugly," Kuya added.

I couldn't hold back anymore—I burst out laughing. Their faces were so serious as they threw insults at each other. They really acted like old friends.

"Tsk! Whatever! Too many people are jealous of my good looks! They're just slandering me!" Tiger huffed, striding toward the cashier.

Kuya and Sir Alvin kept their serious expressions, exchanged a quick goodbye, and also walked to the cashier.

Thankfully, they didn't bring up my studies.

As we left the Mini Mart, Kuya suddenly threw his arm around my shoulders—but it felt more like a headlock.

"You went to Kingsground without telling me. You're so stubborn!" he scolded.

I slapped his arm. "Kuya! That was a long time ago!"

"Doesn't matter! You're still getting scolded!"

His grip tightened around my neck, making me scream.

"Just wait until we get home—"

Suddenly, his phone rang. He let go of me and answered.

"Mom? You're going home—huh?! ...Why?! ...What happened?! ...Alright, we're on our way."

He quickly hung up and rushed toward the car. I followed him, my heart pounding.

"What happened, Kuya?" I asked, panicked.

"Aries was rushed to the hospital."

My chest tightened. My heartbeat quickened with anxiety.

Aries! W-why?!

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