Ang Mutya Ng Section E (Book - 1) English

Chapter 7: Chapter 87 - Festival Day 5.5

Jay-jay's POV

The people in the auditorium were shouting loudly. I can hear them from where I am. I'm on the side of our room now. I don't want to watch, I'll just find out who will win. After what happened earlier, I don't want to talk to anyone. I went home and cried there but brother Angelo saw me. I also had to go back to school because we were going on patrol. But I chose to leave while the others watched and waited for their turn.I hold my cellphone and look at their texts.


From: Ci-N

Message: The contest is said to be at 11am. We'll pick you up now.


From: David

Message: where are you? Did you leave?


From: Yuri

Message: Answer my call! Please!


From: Ci-N

Message: Jay! Answer it! We are worried!

I can't help but cry while reading their texts. Because I know that it's all my fault. That hurts me, we prepared a lot for the contest but it just ended in nothing.

"Aren't you getting mosquitoes at your place?" Yuri asked and suddenly sat next to me.

I wiped my tears and tried to settle down.

"It's not... Why are you here?"

I looked next to him. He has a guitar. He smiled at me and looked at the sky.

"I don't know where to go."

"You should be in the auditorium... Aren't you going to wait for the announcement of who won?" I asked him and tried to reach the guitar in his hand.

"I don't want to! I'm disqualified, why should I know the winner?"

I was stunned by what he said. Disqualified? I don't know that. But why?

"Why are you disqualified?"

"They say it's only one contest per person." Yuri answered and smiled at me.

He also reached for the guitar when he noticed that I was having a hard time reaching it. I put it on my thigh and felt like a guitarist.

"Does that mean that if Ci-N continues, he will also be disqualified?"

Yuri nodded. But nothing like that was said in the rules. Maybe it's Freya's plan. Yuri's effort was wasted. His song is still beautiful.

"Jay..." Yuri called me. "...Who is Cyrus?"

I was stunned, because I didn't know if I should tell him. It's boring to listen to but I can't really say anything. It's not bad to say sometimes. The worm in my brain has a point. They say that what's inside you will lighten if you let it out.


"How was your meeting?"

"Uhmm... Not good."

Yuri looked at me. "Can you tell the story?"

I answered him with a modest nod. "He doesn't want to let me go. He just wants me there by his side. He even grabbed my neck me because of his anger."

Yuri suddenly became serious. "Did he do that?"

"Yes... Good thing his family was there to wean him."

"You're not thinking of getting back there, do you?"

"Oh my gosh! I'm never going back there!"

"It's good..." Yuri whispered.

I touched the guitar string. At least experience it. Because I don't know how to do it. I just want to try it.

"You want me to teach you?" Yuri's prison.

I shook my head and returned the guitar to him. "I have no patience for that."

I used to try to play guitar because I lost my appetite. That's why I just look and dream.

He laughed a little. "I'll play for you."

I smiled at him and let him do what he wanted. I'm in the mood to listen to music.

🎶 Through all of time and space

I'd always rearrange

Everything around me, so things would go as planned

But I found clarity

Some things aren't meant to be

Take it as you go on

Your future's in your hands

And all we want is love

So as I look above 🎶

I have to admit, what Yuri is doing right now makes me feel better. Add to that the fact that it's nice to hear his voice.

🎶 Oh it's the stardust in the sky that

Makes me realize that I'm not the only one

And just know dreams come true

So make sure every single thing that you do

Just take your time

And look up at the stars tonight 🎶

Because the lyrics said look up at the stars tonight, I looked up. That just failed. There are only a few stars. Pfffttt... Even Yuri also looked up for a moment and laughed a little when he noticed that there were only a few stars.

🎶 I've never wanted more than

To show the world what I can do, to make them see

That were just all unique in our own ways

To do what we were made to do

And it's our destiny to find out what we were meant to be

I look up and I see that 🎶

I closed my eyes because the emotion of his song was delicious. Sometimes it's really envious of those who have talents in instruments and singing. But I want to feel what Yuri is singing now. I lost my fear in my thoughts.

🎶 It's the stardust in the sky that

Makes me realize that I'm not the only one

And just know dreams come true

So make sure every single thing that you do

Just take your time

And look up at the stars tonight 🎶

He suddenly stopped. I know his singing is not over yet. I opened my eyes and stopped. Everything stopped for me. Because right when I opened my eyes, his lips touched mine.


I didn't count how long we were like that. But when he separated from me, I waited for him to speak. I want to ask Why? Why did you kiss me? Why are you doing this? Why?

But I don't want to open my mouth. My body doesn't want to move either. The only thing I feel is the incessant beating of my heart.

Speak up! Explain Yuri! Please!

He doesn't speak. I just look at it. He put down his guitar for a moment without taking his eyes off me. He came a little closer and gently touched my cheek. He brought his lips to mine again but before he could do that...


We both stood up and looked at the speaker. Keifer stared at us with no reaction. I looked at what he was holding in his right hand.


Why is there-----the contest!

I listened to the sound coming from the auditorium. It looks like they are done and someone has won.

"K-keifer... Why are you holding a trophy?" I asked.

He looked at what he was holding and came to me. His eyes have no appetite.

"Oh!" He said while handing the trophy.

I took it and looked at what was written.

Battle of the Band Champion - Section E 🏆

They won! It's great! Our section won!

"You won?" I asked him smiling.

"Yes..." He replied sparingly.

My smile disappeared when I noticed he was serious. He was also staring at Yuri. I felt lonely.

"I-I'll just go there, I'll catch up." I said goodbye and quickly left.

The truth is, Keifer's aura is strange. Yuri's look looking at him was also serious. I feel that something bad has happened and they are about to fight. I entered the room. I still hold the trophy.

"Jay!" Ci-N called me. "...We're only second place in Dance Troops."

"That's okay... At least you got something instead of nothing." I said.

"Why did you have that? Have you met Keifer?" Felix asked me while taking the trophy.

"Ahh, yes. He and Yuri were just talking."

"Keifer had a big smile earlier! He said he was going to tell you!" Ci-N said while looking at the trophy.

But he didn't look happy earlier. He looks more like he's thinking or feeling or being annoyed.

"Who is going to patrol at 11pm?!" Someone screamed.

We looked at the same time. It's 11:02pm.

"Hello! That's us!"

We immediately took the flashlights and went out. I remembered Yuri and Keifer. I was going to go to them but they were already coming back to the room. Yuri and I met our eyes. I immediately avoided.

That Kiss...

I walked with David. I can't look at Yuri. Even though I didn't do it, I couldn't help it.


We all stopped in front of the main building. They say we can't clean it yet. There is another party in the auditorium. So patrol first. They were just behind us, Yuri. Keifer looks like he could kill someone at walking speed. He stopped for a moment in front of us but he was looking in a different direction.

"It's up to you who you want to be with!" He said annoyed and walked somewhere.

David and I looked at each other. It's like someone's soul has possessed him again. David, Ci-N and Eren walked. I was about to join them but Yuri grabbed my arm.

"Can we talk?" He asked me.

I nodded. We walked to the first year building. I think we reached the second floor but he still didn't speak.

"Yuri..." I called him. "..T-that earlier----"

"I thought you'll never ask."

I looked at him. So, I'm just waiting for him to speak. Really nice! He was the one who invited us to talk and then waited for me to ask.

"W-what did you mean when you kiss me?" I asked him.

"You... What are you thinking?"

Can you return the question to me...

"B-because... I-I'm not going to kiss someone for nothing anymore." I snapped and scratched my head.

I feel like I'm in the hotseat. Am I the one to blame here?

"If your thinking that I like you. I won't deny it..."

I was stunned. Does he say he wants to----

"...but I won't, I confirm it."


I suddenly got a headache! It's a mess talking to Yuri. He won't deny that he likes me but he won't confirm either.


"I was confused by what you said."

"Jay... If I say no, you'll think I'm lying. But if I say yes, you might distance yourself from me. So, I'd rather not answer." He said and walked ahead of me.


What he says doesn't want to sink into my brain. How is that? There are so many theories.

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