An Uncaring Anomaly

Chapter 22: Uphill Battle PT2

 The Noumu continued its struggle as many of the chains pierced its joints to keep it from moving. "Kurogiri Portal, NOW!" The man with hand called out to the Smokey villain now known as Kurogiri. A portal opened and out shot a hand reaching for my face causing me to back off and release the hold I had on the Noumu. Dozens of fiery tipped arrows hurdled through the air towards the two seemingly in control of this operation.

Kurogiri created a portal as all the arrows passed through coming out of another portal directly behind me. Shigaraki smirked as the arrows came out of the portal. The threads latching onto the arrow redirected it to the Noumu who had by now recovered. Chunks of meat were torn off as the explosion as it kept regenerating.

Shigaraki had a cruel smirk on his face. "You can't beat Noumu, It was designed to beat All Might. I call It the Anti symbol of peace, What do you think of our final boss." He said grandiose with arms spread, Only to be unnerved from the almost predatory smile I was giving. By now the All the fire I was giving off was now completely compact into a highly dense ball the size of a tennis ball.

"Tell me then handy man, How much abuse can your little play thing withstand?" The tightly packed ball of fire shaped into an arrow. Putting halve my total mana in the arrow, The heat from the arrow was unbearable. Shigaraki's smile turned upside down as the arrow came into view. "Kurogiri he charged his ultimate portal it." He said his neck now bleeding from how hard he was scratching it.

Responding in kind I smirk. "Hope you healer after this!" All but one thread disappeared and it was attached to the end of the fiery arrow. The arrow had launched and Kurogiri had made a portal in front of the arrow. Only for it to swerve out of the way and head to their direction. Just before hitting Kurogiri teleported the two away.

the explosion was massive and shook the immediate area. The air gotten extremely hot making the ground and water nearby evaporate and turn into molten sludge. The area destroyed was nearly 12 meters in diameter making Shigaraki sweat from fear. "YOU, YOU'RE NO HERO. NOUMU HURRY KILL THE DAMN KID!!!" Even though he saw the kid slaughter the villains he only thought it was accidental. Now Shigaraki started to question why the hero course let in such a little monster.

 The Noumu had gotten back up and charged raising its fist. Instead of setting up a barrier I removed the friction and started skating faster and faster using the chains to stab into the ground to changed direction. I could feel my body slow down and get colder. creating as many chains as I could I devise a plan to skewer the beast. 

The Noumu was running at its maximum speed trying to catch up to me. It swung and I went low sending a pulse of mana through the ground, The mana created a small thick wall to trip the Noumu. Succeeding I made 180 degree turn and used all the chains to skewer it. Most of its body was filled with chains as I pulled in all directions. The sound of ripping flesh sounded as the Noumu was torn apart no longer regenerating.

"YOU CHEATED ARHHHH!!" "SHIGARAKI!" Before I knew it Shigaraki touched my back and a chain took the arm. Like before Eraser head had activated a little to late my back also spurted blood which was covered by a thin blue shield. "AHHHRG! KUROGIRI GET US OUT OF HERE. The warp villain warped them away. At the same time the doors to the entrance slammed open revealing all might not a smile anywhere in sight. 

Seeing how he was too late he looked upon the central area seeing only black and burnt areas to see if the video was true. The only addition was multiple black chunks scattered being heated by the ground. As well as a large creator near the flood zone. Finding Hunter standing in the center, right arm gone as well as a large amount of blood dripping from his body he decided to collect all the student first before dealing with him. He knows this is harsh but there is nothing he could do to save him.

 30 seconds ago

Nezu sighed and put down his tablet bringing further attention to himself. "Did something happen?" Power loader asked his foot tapping rapidly. "Just making a decision." He looked at the impatient form of Yagi and made eye contact. "You can go, Nemuri Open the door." Nezu ordered as all might quickly transformed into his powered up state. This came to a surprise to no one.

All might rushed out of the bus taking off at full speed closing on the USJ. "Why send him now?" "It's because Hunter seems to be taking more lethal measures than just slicing." Nezu said calmly and flipping the screen over and showing them. On the screen a massive explosion came into view after an arrow hit the where the Two head villain's were previously standing.

"Since when could he do that?" Ectoplasm said astonished and weary. "I knew before he could use fire and perhaps the wind, Since it seems he never flaps the wings he creates. So I thought his quirk was maybe elemental based even though the blue constructs aren't an element, But do give off energy readings."

"But now I seen him control the earth beneath him, He could have multiple quirks." The thought of a certain man popped into his head making him shiver. Every one stayed silent.

I walked to the stairs vision already going hazy, I was moving slower and my vision continued to worsen. The edges were going black and the cold wasn't helping. A hand placed on my shoulder the chains and threads long having faded. Looking up I see all might no smile, And a single tear falling down his cheek. I know we weren't exactly the closest like with Izuku, Though we did share thoughts and laughs from time to time when training Izuku.

"Ah, So it seems I'm at my ropes end." "Don't say that Hunter just wait a little longer recovery girl is on her way, Along with the police and ambulance." He said softly picking me up carefully holding me bringing me to the rest of the class he saved. "You know, All might Its really cold, Do you have a heater somewhere?" Another tear fallen down his face as I tried to lighten the mood. 

At the same time the rest of the staff arrived giving a regretful and sorrowful glance before going to do their job. Recovery girl went as fast as she could quickly glancing at anyone assessing everyone, Giving kisses like candy making the ones she kissed drowsy. She reached all might with me in hand. Being lowered I see four recovery girls sounds starting to drown out.

"Here to give me a kiss?" I said barely hearing my own voice. Recovery girl gave two quick kisses. I felt my energy being sapped and I used mana to stay awake glowing a faint blue. I got a few more kisses on the forehead and then I heard her. "Keep doing what ever you're doing This will help you heal." She continued bandaging me and before I knew it I was out of mana. The drain was astronomical when being healed apparently.

The world faded my vision going dark. 'Did I die?'

AN: Should I get rid of the beginning?

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