Chapter 25: The parents back together?
A few days after the meeting with his little sister, Kei was in his living room eating an evening snack. It was quite peaceful. He had already finished his homework, so he was enjoying his time. His mother was in her room, quietly deciding what to play during her next piano concert (I said it before, but she was a musician). Suddenly they heard an energetic melody. It was his mother's phone ringing. At that point, his mother picked it up. It was Kei's father. He said "Hello, how are you two?" in a casual tone, as if they were still together. Sakura (Kei's mother) answered calmly too, saying "Fine, thanks. Why the call?""Oh, nothing much, I heard our children started getting along better. It seems they see each other at school""Mmh, then, do you think it is fine now?""Yeah, I think this might be a great moment to do so""Ok, then we'll start preparing everything right away, see you soon""See ya, dear". Kei heard what his mother said (the walls didn't block the sound enough to stop his mother's voice. After all, she was used to the huge halls where she had to give speeches) and he thought 'What do we have to prepare for?'. For some reason he was feeling uneasy. "Kei~.Can you please take down the suitcases on the wardrobe? I'll go take the laundry""Fine, mom, but why?""Ah, right, I didn't tell you. We are going back to the villa""Eh~?! What does this mean?!""It means your father and I are back together!". The last sentence was said in such a lively voice that you would think she was a child who just saw her pet. Kei didn't understand what was going on. His parents, who divorced more or less five years before, were back together? Why did they break up in the first place? The villa was obviously the place where he lived his childhood, and he was gonna live with his siblings again. I would say great, for me, but I don't know for him. When they finished preparing, they entered the car and Kei wrote Alex a message saying 'From today on I will take another pullman'.