All Right! Fine! I Will Take You! [Oregairu, Poly]

Chapter 47: All Right! Fine! I Will Take You! – Chapter 45

The Student Council is an ever-present enemy in nearly any high school manga—except the ones where they are the protagonists rather than the antagonist.

This shows us two things: the first one is that every young Japanese man understands, at an instinctual level, that authority, no matter how petty, is their born enemy and that any bureaucracy has been built around the ideal of crushing any aspirations to freedom and independence non-collectivist societies may or not be founded upon.

The second is that, as soon as one reaches said petty power, perspectives shift, and the oppressed masses become the new enemies to crush beneath a short-skirted, dictatorial, shapely heel.

Because that's what the conflict with the Student Council symbolizes: the struggle between youth and repression, rebellion and order, freedom and law.

It's not about authority being evil, but about how one can fight for one side of the conflict or the other, how allegiance is not built on morality, but on ethos. Indeed, a young delinquent can heroically fight back against a strict student council president, and nobody will know who to cheer for until enough screentime has let us know who the protagonist is supposed to be.

"Senpai, I'd rather you stopped running away into your inner monologue and focused on the task at hand," the short-skirted, dictatorial, shapely student council president tells the struggling young delinquent.

"I think not focusing on the task at hand is quite traditional when one wants not to finish too early," he defiantly tells the oppressive figure of authority holding his future in the palm of her hands.

"Please, tell me you're not thinking about baseball," she says, knowing full well the power she holds over the sports clubs budgets.

"I'm [trying] not to think about a bat, balls, and what you can do with them when properly motivated," he says. Because desperation is about as good a tool as any a delinquent can use when trying to get a last-minute powerup.

And she rolls her eyes, dismissively as all authority figures do, and just mutters a quiet, "Make sure to keep me in frame."

Then Iroha leans down and licks up from my balls to the very tip of my penis, her eyes lidded in arousal and focusing on my own over her borrowed phone.

The phone I'm holding.

While I film her.

Giving me a blowjob in the school's toilets [during recess].

See?! That's a blatant abuse of authority! My delinquent heart roars at it, at the unfair use of her personal power to flaunt the rules she's meant to uphold! It roars at injustice made manifest! At the corruption of the system! At Iroha swallowing my tip, and oh gods, I can't even—

"You should see his face right now," she tells the camera with a giddy smile, her breath washing over my wet tip in a burst of cool breeze that makes me curl my toes. "He doesn't know what to do with himself, because he's always so [eager] to please, to turn me into a drooling, blissed-out [mess] that he can't even process this being only about him," she finishes, her smile still warm, even if it has an edge to it as she goes from looking at the phone's camera to my eyes yet again, and her cheeks redden even as she lowers her head to tenderly kiss my frenulum, catching it between her lips and pulling back until it snaps out of her grasp.

"I… I [could] do something," I tell her, not at all sounding lost. Really. "I could take off my shoes and socks and play with your—"

"You could. You already [did], and you don't know how utterly confused I was at cumming from [that—"]

"You did?!"

She blinks in surprise at my outburst, then blushes deeper and actually looks away from the camera in what I thought up till now would be, coming from her, an impossible display of shame.

"Just… a little. It was my first time doing that! And Shizu was right beside me, and your cock was wrapped in her stupidly tasty tits, and… And we probably should speak far more quietly while we are in here."

Keeping up the current theme, I blink down at her as I feel my own cheeks burn. Not quite because of shame, but because of the idea of me making Iroha cum [with my toe] while she gave me her first blowjob.

['Oh gods, your ego's gonna swell.']

Yeah. Not the only thing swelling.

['That… doesn't look healthy.']

I've never seen it this purple before, no.

['… This seems like the perfect time to ask] someone[ to suck the venom out.']

You know, Brain-chan, it's times like these that I realize just how much you actually care.

['If you expect me to do the tsundere routine, I may, but only because it will further distract you from Iroha looking increasingly annoyed.']

Wait, wha—

"You're proud of that, aren't you?" she says, her eyes narrowed and the grip of her left hand tight enough that I feel her fingers shift with every heartbeat.

"Wait, you expect me [not to be proud] of making you cum [with my toe?"]

Oh, she's looking scarlet now.

"I expect you not to keep drawing attention to it! How would you feel if I bragged about all those times I made you cum on command with a little speech?!"

"You do that all the time! And you keep making them even more outrageous, just because you want me to snap and actually get you pregnant before college!"

"Is that so much to ask?!"

"Yes! I won't have a son with you until I can take care of you two!"


I said it.

And now she's not only looking smug, but sappy.

… My heart can't take this.

['Neither can… other parts.']

"And this, Haruno, is what you can expect from your first time with him," she resumes her lecture series that has very little to do with manga and anime. "He'll care for you in ways you didn't expect, then he'll do something that will frustrate you, only to turn it into something that makes your heart melt. He'll confuse you, and make you happy, and make you wish so much that you could just stay in the moment, his body filling yours until you can no longer feel any separation…"

Her eyes keep drifting to mine, luminous honey keeping me silent as she pours her heart out to both me and the girl she decided to make an instructional video for.

No, I don't know why. At this point, I don't even think about asking why Iroha thinks things make sense. I just accept that some eroge is missing their kunoichi kitsune and roll with it.

I just hope it wasn't from a Rance game. The final boss would be brutal enough without the objectively best party member.

"I don't… I don't think I am all that you say I am…" I tell her, caressing her hair, tucking it back behind her right ear as I try to keep the phone steady. Because she asked me to, and I apparently can't tell her no unless it's for something pregnancy related.

"No. You're more," she says, rising up from her knees, depriving the white-tiled floor of the heat of her bare, reddened knees as she puts her hands under her skirt for a moment before a pair of wet, blue panties drift down those same knees and past the white socks she's wearing.

"Iroha… I thought you just wanted to show Haruno how to give a blowjob."

"Yes. And now I'm showing her what happens when I try to plan something regarding you," she says, gently pulling the hand I'm holding the phone with up to my eye level before looking at both me and Haruno when she watches this.

"That… That you get too horny to follow through?" I tell her, trying to joke even as I feel my throat close as she sits on top of my bare thighs.

"That too. But… It's more that I fall even deeper in love with you, and plans become meaningless."

My mouth falls open.

She smiles.

And I drop her phone, grab her hips, and pull her down on my dick.

"Ah! Slowly, you beast!" she says, not even trying to hide her grin as she playfully slaps at my still-clothed chest.

"You can't—[seriously?!] After [that?"]

She winks at me cheekily, and then her arms wrap around my neck before she leans forward to kiss me with as much hunger as I feel for her.

Her tongue tangles with mine as I pull her farther down my cock, her warmth making me hiss into her mouth as her thighs clench around me, her muscles tightening to pull herself up until I'm almost entirely out of her, just the tip remaining past the ring of tight muscle at her entrance.

"You would never hurt me, would you, Hachi?" she says, her eyes right in front of me.

"Wha—of course I—"

"Then catch me," she says.

And her legs go limp as she starts falling for just a moment right before my reflexes kick in, and my hands on her hips hold her still, just half my cock inside her, both of us groaning at the sudden intrusion.

"See? I knew you could… do it…" she says, eyes lidded and a dreamy smile making me even more disoriented.

So disoriented, in fact, that I don't quite realize when I stand up, one of Iroha's feet on the floor and the other on top of the toilet's rim as my fingers dig in her always firm ass, and I drive my hips forward, her head thrashing from side to side over the grey, wooden partition.

"So… You're always so deep… So close to…"

"To what?" I manage to ask after she drifts off, her eyes tightly closed as she focuses on the feeling of me, on her hands roaming my hair and pulling me to her neck.

"To me. So close to me," she whispers.

And I kiss her neck.

Because yes, the sex feels good. Incredibly so. I can't ever get enough of feeling her body coiling around mine, of the warmth we share in these moments.

But… Being near her. Being close to her. That's what always matters to me most.

And hearing her say it? Knowing she feels the same way I do, that she wants from me what I want from her?

It's… It's hard to believe. Because being this happy shouldn't be a thing. It should be something that characters earn at the end of their journey, after defeating the final villain. It should not be something that just falls on the lap of a socially maladjusted teenage boy.

It should not be me, feeling like this, having their heart about to burst.

But it should be her. Because she's Iroha. Because she deserves to be given all the warmth and tenderness she was ever denied. Because she deserves to be as happy as anybody has ever been.

And I'm selfish. A hypocrite. Petty.

And so, if Iroha's to be happy, if she's to find love and companionship with someone… I'd rather it be me.

Her leg lifts off the toilet to wrap around my own, pushing me farther inside her, deep enough I can feel the hard bone over her sex digging against me as her wetness covers me, and her hands clench on my hair, making me kiss her neck harder before one of them quickly goes to her mouth, and I catch her biting her wrist with her eyes closed as a full-body shiver ripples across her and over me.

Then I go harder. Not because I feel a desperate need, a craving to fill her up, to explode inside her until the world fades away.

No. I do it because I just heard a cute, muffled moan escape from her lips, and I can't bring myself not to push her for more, not to give her more of that pleasure she's asking from me.

So I fuck Iroha, [my] Iroha, against a flimsy bathroom divider, my hands on her body pulling her against me so we don't crash through it or something equally ludicrous.

And, also, because I want to feel her close to me.

Then she shudders yet again, and keeps doing it until she goes still, and I force myself to slow down, to accompany her through her orgasm rather than rush to join her. I stumble back to sit on the toilet, my hands on her hips guiding her to me without ever going out of her until she slumps forward, against my chest, and I can just caress her back as Iroha sighs and drapes over me.

"You're still hard," she whispers right in my ear after what seems like an eternity of painfully hard erections wrapped in tight, coiled, wet flesh.

"I am inside you," I answer, almost growling.

She giggles.

And, carefully, on unsteady legs, she pulls herself off my cock and almost falls down on her knees, in front of me, slumped forward with her nose smudged with her love juices on my cock.

"I love you," she says.

"I really hope you told that to me and not my—"

"I love him too. He makes me very happy," she says, an utterly Iroha smile on her dreamy face.

… I wonder if it's healthy to feel jealous of my own dick.

['At this moment? I think it's unreasonable not to.']

"But… I'll always love you more," Iroha says as her left hand comes up with her phone.

Then she leans forward and swallows me.

She's rough from the start, and I can only clench my fists as I try not to hump up, not to fuck her face as Iroha speeds up, the tip of my cock sometimes brushing the entrance to her throat as she quickly jerks off what remains outside her tight lips.

Then she flicks her tongue on my frenulum, and I see white as she stops and just sucks on me, her cheeks drawing inward as she keeps swallowing jet after jet of my cum as her eyelids flutter.

I slump back down, not knowing when I rose up from my seat, and Iroha slowly and methodically licks me as she pulls back, exposing more and more of my skin to the air until I'm deflating in front of her proud eyes.

Then she looks to her left, to the phone that has presumably caught some of this, jerky as the movements may have been.

"See, Haruno? This is what happens when I decide to give him a quick, clandestine blowjob. You can use that big brain of yours to figure out what will happen when you do… whatever it is you plan to do."

And she turns back to smile up at me with eyes so full of naked affection that there's only one thing I can tell her.

"So, do you have a thing for feet or—"

Then she bites my thigh in apparently rabid anger, and all's right with the world.

… Fine, we also spend the rest of recess cuddling and kissing in wordless affection because we're sappy like that. But ending on the bite would've been funnier.

It would also have allowed me to gloss over awkwardly greeting Kawasomething when Iroha tries to discreetly exit the stall, and the ponytailed girl is just there, in front of us, wide-eyed and flushed scarlet.

At least it's a recycled character. If this had been Waitress-chan, I would've been worried about tripping some kind of flag.


This work is a repost of my second oldest fic on QQ (, where it can be found up to date except for the latest two chapters that are currently only available on on Patreon (—as an added perk, both those sites have italicized and bolded text. I'll be posting the chapters here twice weekly, on Wednesday and Friday, until we're caught up. Unless something drastic happens, it will be updated at a daily rate until it catches up to the currently written 84 chapters (or my brain is consumed by the overwhelming amounts of snark, whichever happens first).

Speaking of Italics, this story's original format relied on conveying Brain-chan's intrusions into Hachiman's inner monologue through the use of italics. I'm using square brackets ([]) to portray that same effect, but the work is more than 300k words at the moment, so I have to resort to the use of macros to make that light edit and the process may not be perfect. My apologies in advance

Also, I'd like to thank my credited supporters on Patreon: aj0413, Niklarus, Tinkerware, Varosch, and Xalgeon. If you feel like maybe giving me a hand and help me keep writing snarky, maladjusted teenagers and their cake buffets, consider joining them or buying one of my books on Thank you for reading!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.