A writer's new toy

Chapter 2: chapter - 2

In the complete silence, Thomas stood confused and surprised. "Hello, where did you go?, whoever you are" He waits a minute, hoping for a response, but everything remains silent.

Thomas wanders around, hoping to find some sort of gate or something familiar, until he gets the same feeling he had before. With wide eyes Thomas opens his mouth, trying to say something but before he could began, the outer being asks in a calm, composed tone. "What the hell is happening?"

"I don't know, you tell me, I was just kicking a ball after a long time. From what I can remember, I guess I slipped somehow, and I found myself here, what is happening?, this is earth right?"

Thomas's eyes widened further "Is the earth destroyed? Are we going to mars?"

"No…" He takes a deep breath. "That will take a long time. Wait—" His eyes widen as he processes what the inner being has said. Obviously they weren't visible. "You said you were kicking a ball? Did you just retire from football a few months ago? A forward player… number 10?" the outer being asks in bewilderment.

"Yeah, that's me, I'm Thomas, wait-" Thomas's eyes widened as a thought came to his mind. "Am I getting kidnapped by aliens for my excellent performance in the world cup?"

"No no no no, it can't be, I must be dreaming, yeah" The outer being slaps himself hard enough just to realise that he wasn't dreaming. "That hurts.."

"What do you mean? What is happening? Tell me too, who are you and where am I?" Thomas shouts at the air.

The outer releases deep breaths while closing his eyes before opening them again. "I guess… I guess you died"

"I.. I what?" Thomas asks in disbelief.


Thomas breaks down to the ground in sadness. "What would happen to my childrens? What would happen to my wife?" He murmurs as he looks down in greif.

Thomas lifts his head and looks at the nothingness with a concerned face. "She…. Would?"

"Yes.. but.."


Thomas raises his head a bit to realise that he was surrounded by candles and a flower in front. The creator creates the sound of a bell inside the worl. Thomas looks down to nothingness with sadness again.

"Wait?." Thomas lifts his head to look at the nothingness once again. "So you are the god?"

"Ohh, god…. Kinda like…. Jesus…?"




Person In Front of the laptop covers his face, shoulders relaxed, and breathes deeply. Shaking his head. He takes out his hand before putting it on the desk.

"I know, there would be a story on my name but…".

"Ohk, so someone is writing a novel about me where I am the main character. Hmmm!" Thomas tries to confirm pointing the finger towards himself, nodding. "But it still doesn't make sense tho, if it's about my life then it should be non - fiction, not fiction."

Outer shouted out of irritation. After yelling at Thomas he calmed down, holding himself back.

"So… what is happening with me?," Thomas replied, scratching his head which was slightly tilted.

Outer shouted Before ending with a murmur.

"So you are…." Thomas's eyes widened, mouth agep. "Wait… is it… kind of transmigration" Thomas's lips curled up ending with a smile.

Outer mumbled He continues changing the direction of the finger towards himself, one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Ohh. Now I get it, so I have been transmigrated into a fantasy novel. And you are the author of the novel" Thomas responds, nodding his head, crossing arms.

Outer confirms with a peaceful smile, relieved sigh, slow nod.

"Then why didn't you told me directly firsthand?"

"Wait, no, are you kidding me?" Thomas says looking at nowhere with narrowed eyes. "I might have believed you if you have said that I have transmigrated to another world to save the world by a god, all the… becoming a hero and stuff," Thomas said while moving his hand, "but, inside a novel?..... Are you kidding me?"

Outer silently stares at the air for a few seconds before speaking again.

Outer focuses forward at the screen where he had written some part of the story, he waves his hand while pointing his finger towards the screens,

Thomas side eyes while scratching his head. "I don't know, I guess I'm asleep and just dreaming, I might wake up on a few minutes"

The outer clenches his fist, clenching his teeth with a smile on his face. Thomas who was inside felt the temperature rising all of a sudden.

Thomas looks down, and found himself in the middle of magma land. Thomas rolls his eyes, turns around everywhere. He was in the middle of countless volcanoes, from below the ground the lava could be clearly seen.

"Arghhhh, stop it" Thomas screams with pain, ducking down holding his head. "It's hot" his sweat was getting evaporated before coming out, but a drop of sweat drops down from his eyebrow, to the chin and froze on his chin.

Although Thomas couldn't see but he was In the middle of an endless area filled with eyes. The pain Thomas suffered was beyond what he had ever gone through. While on the outside sat outer looking down with a wide grin split his face, as he covered his face with hands.

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