A Witch's Trial

Chapter 7: Brenda

I wish Olivia trusted me enough to tell me what was going on. She is constantly in pain. She does well to hide it from others but I know her too well. This has happened before and all dad would tell me was to wait and I would be told eventually.

My train of thought was interrupted by the phone ringing. Dads name flashed across it.

" Can you come to the club? It is time you learn a few things." He said

" What is wrong?" I asked

" Its olivia. She is asking for you." HE replied

" I will be there in about thirty minutes." I said

The nearest transport was a good twenty minute walk but if I ran fast I could make it in ten. While sprinting to it I ran smack into Ryan again. Jumping up I mumbled a quick apology and continued on my way. Ryan must have ran after me because when we got to the transport he said from behind " is everything okay?"

" yeah I just have somewhere to be." I said

" worry is written all over your face." He said

" don't worry about it." I said. " It is not of your concern."

 He backed away putting his hand up and said " Hey I am just trying to be a friend you don't have to get ugly."

" Sorry," I sighed. " It's just a friend who is in the hospital and I am worried."

" If you need anything just let me know," he said. " You seem cool."

" Thanks" I chuckled as I stepped through the transport crystal.

Olivia was laying on the couch in her office when I got there. Dad was sitting beside her working on his laptop. 

" How is she doing?" I asked to take a seat beside him.

" Not too good. The mark is really bothering her."

" What mark?" I asked

He finally gave me the story of how he met olivia. He told me about how her dad put a mark on her chest that controls her. Apparently the only way that it can be taken off is by the one that put it on there. Or if he passes away

" Why is he still alive?" I asked

" He knows someone powerful." Dad said " I have tried but all I was able to do is get him locked up for the rest of his life."

" So what are the conditions to activate it?" I asked

" No idea. It just randomly happens. Sometimes worse than others. I do know that if she talks about it it causes her a lot of pain. That is why we have not told you." He apologize.

Olivia cried out in pain grabbing at her chest. Carefully I took her hand and held it as she trashed in pain. After a few minutes she fell back into her sleep.

" She has been doing that since she passed out " Dad said

" I knew something was bothering her, I didn't realize it was this bad."

" There are things that I haven't told you. Unfortunately it is up to Olivia to tell you at this poin. What exactly happened?" He asked

" We were in basic magic class and the teacher showed us what element we are proficient with. Well of course Olivia out shined everyone. She is able to use all six elements. One of the kids said something about power and she got smart with him. Then we had a duel. I got teamed up on so I don't know what happened but we did lose."

I wiped the hair from Olivia's face and said " I should have been a better friend and talked to her about it."

" Don't be mad at her." He said " she wanted to tell you, but I stopped her. She was in enough pain already and I did not want you to worry."

"I understand it dad" I said softly " I can watch over her for a little bit." 

Dad kissed my forehead and said " Thank you, I've got a few Things to take care of but I will be back."

She tossed and turned through the night. Some time in the early morning I must have fallen asleep because dad was shaking my shoulder to wake me up. Olivia was sitting at her desk working away. 

" Why didn't you tell me that you were awake?" I asked her.

" You need sleep. I know that you are taking two courses at a time. But having you by my side when I woke up really helped." She quickly added

" How did you know?" I asked 

"I looked into it. Your special accommodations got me curious. " She answered 

" You need to not be noisy and learn to rest.You have a lot to tell me."

She tilted her head and asked " What do you mean?"

" Dad told me everything."

She signed and closed her laptop. " I wanted to tell you. But Erin did not want me to. I am sorry"

" I understand." I said " What can you tell me?"

"Not much" She admitted " But tomorrow I can show you some of the security cameras."

I walked over and hugged her and asked " Is there anything I can do to help?"

" I have a stack of files that need to go to the Lunar. Can you take them? I know that you wanted to go there today anyway."

" Are you going to be okay?" I asked

" I'll be fine. Your dad is not going to let me out of his sight anytime soon."

" Damn right I am not." He said looking up from his laptop. " Go have your fun. I know that you two have plenty of time to hang out at school so let me have my time with her."

I looked at her and said " Next time tell me what is going on"

She nodded as I took the files and headed off. Flying through the sky felt amazing. Being in dragon form is one of the best feelings in the world. As soon as I crossed the border I shifted back into human form. The club was not far from it. Lukas was in the lobby talking to the bouncer. He made the bouncer look small.

"Hey Brenda what brings you by?" He asked

" Olivia asked me to bring these files over. And I am looking for some fun" I said 

" Vanessa is somewhere on the top floor if you would like to join her." He said flipping through the files

" Are you available as well?" I asked winking at him

He shook his head and gave me a small smile and said " I have Sanctuary business to take care of."

" That will have to wait dear." Vanessa, a tall red head said from behind him." MArk has a task for us to do. Hey Brenda dear."

I said hello to her. These two are one of my favorite pair at The Lunar. Vampires really know how to fuck. I said my goodbyes and headed in.

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