A Witch's Trial

Chapter 4: Noah

The stadium was jam packed with students. I figured the news of our fight got around quickly. The others were already waiting in a small room. Trey was bouncing around. 

" I am so ready to do this." He said 

" We need to be careful." Atlas said " you saw how easily she took down that one guy when we first met her."

" That is true." I said " But do you think she will be a tough fight? There are three of us and only two of them."

" Guys we got this." Trey said " you are overthinking this. We outnumber them. All we have to do is team up and take them out one by one. Just like every other fight that we have had."

" That's the thing." Atlas said " The two of them are taking it in stride."

Mr. Henderson came into the room before we could finish our conversation. He went over the ground rules and informed us that we can not fight over this subject for another six months so we needed to get it all out of our systems. The crowd cheered as we entered the battle ground.

Olivia and Brenda wore matching gym gear. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Atlas stumble. Scales started to form on the side of his neck. Anger rolled out from him in waves. For some reason Olivia pissed him off. As soon as the start signal was given Atlas charged at her. 

" We can make this quick or drag this on." She said dodging him.

One second I was looking at them the next I was looking towards the sky. Brenda's face appeared above me. 'Shit I forgot about her' I thought

In a split second it disappeared from view as Trey tackled her from the side. This fight was going to be harder than I thought. Glancing over the Atlas he seemed to be holding his own so I headed towards Trey. Brenda had him pinned to the ground. Just as she reared back I tackled her. She hit the ground with an oomph. 

"You really like me on my back don't you." She said, " Unfortunately I am in a dominant mood."

She hooked her leg around one of mine and flipped me over. Pain shot through my back as it slammed against the ground. She was strong for a woman. I was not able to buck her off. Thinking quickly I started to shift into a unicorn. While it was still a little painful it was getting better the more I do it. She jumped back before a hoof could hit her in the head. 

" Nice Idea." Trey said " I will give you a bird eye view"

He shifted into a beautiful black raven. While he was pretty he was not on my level. He gave a warning caw letting me know that she was approaching on the right. We developed a system long ago. 

" Isn't this a surprise?" She said " Someone thinks they are big."

She rolled her shoulders and a set of leathery wings appeared from her back. She flew up to ake out Trey. He shifted back into human form . While she was dealing with him I walked up behind her and hit her in the back of the head with a hoof. While it was a anti climatic end to the fight at least part of it was over. 

After shifting back I said " That ended better than I thought"

" It was almost like she gave up"

" Lets go help Atlas" 

We turned towards Atlas just in time for him to send a fireball towards Olivia. Her eyes grew wide as it flew past her. Atlas took the opportunity to rush in and hit her with a left hook. She fell to the ground and did not react. It was like she was frozen. He walked up to her and went to knock her out. She looked up at him and he hesitated for a moment. He eventually knocked her out and the match was over. A medical team came and took away the girls. 

" What was that?" I asked Atlas

He shook his head and said " I am not sure."

Mr. Henderson walked up to us and congratulated us. He reminded us that we won't be able to challenge them for another six months over the same thing. He also warned Atlas to not use magic without his grimoire. 

To celebrate our victory we headed to Java Jive to get something to eat. 

While eating Atlas asked " Did any of that feel weird to you?"

" Why does it matter? " Trey asked " we won. They won't bother us anymore."

" I doubt that." Atlas said " Oliva said that she would end me. The look in her eye is why I paused."

" Then let's nip this in the butt." I said, " Let's get her out of the school."

" I will go talk to dad and see what the school requires to expel someone." Trey said getting up

" I can contact dad and see what information he can find." Atlas said.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a nood. The two of them did not have a good relationship. So the fact he was willing to ask him for help was saying something. I was left alone as they both went off on their own. 

Since we were getting our grimoire soon I decided to head to Lydia's Wands and Bobs to scope out what I wanted to use as a spell casting focus. I loved watching dad use magic. The way that his wand moved through the air forming the signs. The shop was located off the side of the main road squished between a small dinner and a clothing shop. Along one of the walls was a lot of staff. There were several that looked pretty cool. I imagined myself with one of them and it felt okay. Then I saw what I wanted right under the cash register in the display case was exactly what I wanted. It looked exactly like my horn. As I was about to call for someone, two people entered from the side of the shop. One was a man with white hair and green eyes. He had scars running down one side of his face. The other was a woman with long blue hair and blue eyes. They were in deep conversation in a language that I did not know. 

When the woman's eye met mine she said " Oh I'm sorry I did not realize I had a customer. How may I help you young man?'

" I am wanting to pre order my wand."

The older man said " Is it already time for that?'

" We will be getting our grimoire at the end of the month. I just had the time so I wanted to be ahead." I replied " You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"

"My daughters are enrolled at Vycreek."

The woman turned to him and asked " When did you have another and why did you not tell me Erin."

The man Erin backed away and said " I adopted Olivia when she was ten. I promise you Lydia I would have told you if I had another kid. "

" Olivia is adopted?" I asked " What happened to her dad?"

" you will have to ask her." Erin said " She can seem snobby or rude sometimes but she is a good kid. She will tell you if she trusts you." 

He told Lydia that he had something to take care of and left. I paid for the wand and she told me that I can get it when I get my grimoire. I rushed to find Atlas to tell him what I found out. Trey was coming out of the classroom when I found him.

" To get her out by school standards we will have to have several people sign a complaint and have an actual cause."

" Maybe we can get her to drop out on her own. Let's find Atlas and see what he found out."

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