A Kitsune in remnant

Chapter 46: Insulting a man with no mercy


It's been two hours since Aiko has been playing uno with the two sisters, and I was mad.

Ruby was winning with three cards left, with Yang following behind, she had six cards in her hand.

In last place was my brother, who had ten cards in his hands. I was mad because he was losing so easily.

He didn't even try to win at all, only collecting more cards to add to his hand. I was suspicious on what he was planning, since he won against me, Sienna, and Ilia.

"Uno!" Ruby shouted, standing up on the table with one card in her hand. Yang and Aiko both clapped at Ruby's declaration, but i widen my eyes when I looked at Aiko again.

'Oh no.' Looking at Aiko's smile, I saw him shuffling the cards in his hands. So I stood behind him quietly to see what he was going to do.

As soon as I saw his cards, I was surprised at what I saw. It was a terrible hand, the card that was on top was a green nine.

Aiko only had a red three, two, and four. As well as a blue five, one, two, and seven. Finally he had a yellow seven, eight, and six.

I thought he would have a good hand, but all the cards he drew were bad. I wonder why he was losing so badly.


What the fuck is this bullshit?! I know I'm not cheating and I have good luck, but this is just stupid!

Somehow both Ruby and Yang have been getting the cards they needed to win, while I was getting the bad cards.

"Aiko, it's your turn, do you have a green or a nine?" Ruby asked me with a smile, I could only smile in return and grab another card.

"Wow, again? That makes eleven cards in total." Yang said with a smug grin, placing a green one and began to wave the cards in her hand.

'If I hadn't agreed to my mother to not cheat, you'd be eating those words right now.' I thought and watched Ruby place a plus four.

"U-um, the c-color is red." Hearing Ruby say that, I began to cheer from the inside, but then remember I was forced to skip.

Meaning it was Yang's turn to place a card, I looked at Yang to see her crunching her eyes, only to pull out a wild card.

"Back to green." She chirped, looking at me with a smug look.

I only sighed and watched Ruby look at me with an apologetic look, placing a green seven.

"No worries Ruby, thanks for giving me a chance." I then placed the yellow seven on top of the green seven.

"Oh man, I had one more card." Yang whined, Tai and the girls chuckled at what happened and watched as Yang was forced to grab some cards.

Soon she grabbed twelve cards in total, bringing her up to seventeen cards. That was bad luck to not grab any cards, however, this caused Yang to gasp and Ruby to smile.

"Um, why are they smiling?" I asked Tai, who was pinching the bridge of his nose. Soon, the sound of glass shattering made me, Blake, Sienna and Ilia jump.

"Uncle Qrow is home!" Shouted Yang and Ruby, the two then rushed towards the front door and pulled it opened.

Me and Blake followed Ruby and Yang, narrowly avoiding the door that fell next to us and soon looked at a man with his hand raised.

"Oh, sorry about that Tai, I'll pay later." The sound of a rough voice was heard, and the two of us stared at the man.

The man wore black pants with black dress shoes. On his upper half, he wore a grey suit jacket, with the dress shirt being grey, with the collar of his shirt being black.

Behind him was a cloak that hung around his neck, with the end of it being tattered and ripped.

On his hands were some rings, one on his left while two are on his right. Hanging by his waist looked like a small dagger, but the handle was too big.

Both me and Blake looked at each other and knew it must be a mecha-shift weapon, since no dagger should have a handle that big.

Along the sides were two barrels, with the center of the handle having a clock like mechanism, solidifying our assumption.

And finally, he had a stubble on his chin, with his eyes being faded red. Under his eyes were small bags, signs of lack of sleep.

"Uncle Qrow, we missed you, did you miss us, did you, did you, did you?!" The half-sisters asked the man named Qrow.

He placed both of his hands on their heads, quickly removing his left hand from Yang Quickly, and gave a smug smiled.

"Not one bit." The two of them then pouted at his words and began to lightly slam their fists on his stomach.

"You meanie, you big jerk!" Ruby shouted with tears in her eyes, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Look what you did, Uncle Qrow!" Yang shouted as well, this caused Qrow to chuckle. He then reached behind his back, pulling out a small bag of strawberries.

"Will this make you stop whining?" Seeing the bag, Ruby widened her eyes and smiled

"Gimmi, gimmi, gimmi!" Ruby began to bounce around him, jumping as high as she could for the bag of strawberries.

"Alright, alright, but first, say you forgive me." Qrow leaned forward, hiding the bag behind him.

"Don't do it Ruby, he said he didn't miss us." Yang pleaded with her sister, gripping her hand and shaking her head.

"Mmmmm… uhhhh… ghhhhh!" Ruby was struggling to decided, looking at her sister, who tried to keep her from forgiving their uncle.

Then at her uncle, who had a smug look, he then pulled the bag back up front, shaking it. The strawberries inside jumped, while being lightly squished.

"Fine, I forgive you!" Ruby finally snapped, seeing this Qrow gave Ruby the bag full of strawberries and rushed back inside.

"Uncle Qrow, you cheated." Yang huffed and crossed her arm, Qrow just chuckled and ruffled her hair.

Only to pull it back when Yang began to growl, her hair starting to flow like fire, and her eyes turned from lilac to red.

"Woah, relax fire cracker, here, I got you something as well." He reached behind him and mulled out some iron ingots.

Seeing this, Yang gasped in delight and grabbed the ingots quickly, rushing to the side and heading to a shack that was behind the house.

"Heh, works every time." Qrow grinned seeing the two girls run off to their own devices.

But before he could get even a footstep in, he saw me, Blake, Sienna, and Ilia. Tai on the other hand was making his way towards us with a set of tools.

Only for the handle on his tool box to break and the tools spilled onto the floor. A hammer then landed on his foot, only to hear metal hit metal.

"And you said those steal toe boots were a waste of money." Tai smiled at Qrow and began to pick up the tools.

"Yeah, yeah, I was wrong, again." Qrow rolled his eyes but then hugged Tai.

"Good to see you again, how was the- Oh brothers YANG!" Tai then rushed past us and began to rush to the shack outside.

"Sooo… who are you guys?" He asked us, leaning against the door frame.

"W-well, we're… uh…" Blake struggled to speak, hiding behind me while trying to speak.

I smiled at Blake's attempt to speak and decided to help start the conversation.

"Hello, I'm Aiko Belladona, and this is my sister, Blake Belladona." I extended my hand towards him.

"Huh, guess your the guest Oz mentioned." He muttered and took my hand in his.

"Names Qrow, nice to meet ya kid." He grabbed my hand and shook it. Sienna didn't like him at all, since he smelled like alcohol, and with his stubble on his chin.

"You stink…" I bluntly stated, causing him to stiffen at my words.

"Pretty rude to say that, don't you think?" He asked, while his lips twitched.

"Not really, I could have said worse." I smiled innocently and tilted my head to the side, this made him grin at my words.

"Oh really? Mind telling me a few then?" I then turned to Sienna, who only gave me a single nod.

"Okay, you look like a deadbeat father that would run away after getting any women pregnant, a failure to a family and would be kicked out without a second thought, a disappointment that can't stick to a relationship, and smell like a homeless man who is seen in the streets holding out a cup, begging for spare change, only to spend said change on beer." I said every sentence with the same smile on my face.

I could see the metaphorical swords pierce him and he could do nothing to me since I'm a child.

'My, did anyone tell you that you have a sharp tongue?' I heard my mother ask.

'I'm being generous, I could have said worse.' I replied and continued to stare at Qrow, who then landed in his knees.

"Damn, you… are you trying to ruin my dignity?" He asked with a horse voice, oh, this is too easy.

"What dignity?" I landed the final blow on what he had, if you could say he had any, and was on his hands and knees.

As he did so, Tai came back with Yang in his arms, who was trying to struggle out of it. Only for the two of them to stop and seeing Qrow on the ground.

"Hey, uncle Qrow, were you told that you didn't have any dignity?" Yang asked, Tai wanted to scold Yang, but he was looking away to hide his face.

"Man, even my nieces are insulting me." Qrow muttered, tears falling from his face.

Ruby then came back, with her face covered in strawberry juice, only to see Qrow on the ground as well.

"Daddy, why is uncle Qrow crying?" She asked with innocent eyes.

"Uncle Qrow just needs time, how about we make him some cookies?" He guided Ruby back inside to the kitchen, leaving us in front of the door.

"Human, are you just going to act like Aiko said, or are you going to get up?" Sienna frowned at Qrow, not bothering to say his name.

"Fine, I'll get up." He grunted and began to dust his pants free of dirt.

"I'll admit, I didn't expect you to have a sharp tongue, that was harsh." He chuckled and pushed his hair back, causing it to flow back.

"I know, I'm sorry about that." I bowed, showing I was sorry.

"S'fine, just don't use that tongue to cut someone's dignity." He waved off my apology and walked passed me.

"Not like you had anyone to begin with." Sienna rolled her eyes, while Ilia began to look between Qrow and Sienna.

"Sienna, you can't just say that." She whispered.

"If Aiko said that human has no dignity, what's holding me back to agree with him?" Ilia tried to refute her, but couldn't come up with anything.

"W-well…" Seeing that Sienna and Ilia agreed, he turned to Blake, who only looked away.

"Man, my luck really is bad." He sighed and made his way to the living room, where Ruby and Tai brought some cookies.

Meanwhile, Yang made her way next to me and threw a punch at me. I only shifted my body slightly to the side, letting her fist pass by me.

Yang then raised her hands and began to throw small jabs, each jab was aimed straight at my face.

I only shifted my body at every jab, making it look like her fists are phasing through me. Yang then yelled and tried to grip my arms to prevent me from moving.

I ended up jumping backwards, and stepped outside on the grass that surrounded the house.

Yang then soon followed and began to throw different punches. Haymakers, upper cuts, cross punches, hooks, and even a reverse upper cut.

"Yang, what are you doing?!" Tai shouted while rushing outside.

"He made fun of uncle Qrow, I'm going to beat him up!" Tai wanted to run up to Yang, only to feel Siennas hand on his shoulder.

"Relax human, Aiko won't hurt her, he'll just tire her out." She told Tai with a serious look, she then gripped Tai's shoulder tight when she felt him about to move.

"Trust me, he won't lay a single hand on her." She exclaimed, but she didn't tell that to reassure him, she said that as an order towards me.

Hearing this, I nodded my head in their direction, with a smile. But deep down, I was a bit disappointed.

'Oh well, I guess I can play with my food for a bit.' I thought, meanwhile, my shadow showed my real body, my tails swaying in annoyance.

(A/N) Hey, hey, sorry for not posting on Tuesday, since I had a family emergency, I can't delve too deep about it, but here's the chapter.

Send some power stones if you like it, and show support. If not, I'll have you guys stuck in a room with Ruby, who will talk about weapons non-stop.

For now, peace.

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